The second creative life of a baby mattress: excellent and comfortable topchan


Some old and seemingly unnecessary thing can be a good reason to update the interior. For example, a mattress from a cot. What to do with it when a child has already grew up? You can, of course, transfer it to someone inherited. And you can make from the children's mattress and plywood here is such a comfortable and spacious topchair.

The second creative life of a baby mattress: excellent and comfortable topchan

You will need:

  • plywood sheets 3/4;
  • Furniture legs;
  • mattress;
  • tapping fabric;
  • instruments;
  • Tree impregnation or paint

And first it is necessary to determine the parameters and design of Topcha. In this case, the mattress plays a decisive role in the measurement: it must be in the center, and on both sides of it - armrests.

The sizes of the mattress - 130 cm per 80 cm. Therefore, the part for the seat will be - 160 cm for 84 cm, since the armrests must still fit on it. So from plywood cut 2 parts 160 cm by 84 cm, but now we need only 1 of them. Also cut 2 parts 62 cm by 84 cm - this is the side walls of our TopChig. Connect the details with each other.

The second creative life of a baby mattress: excellent and comfortable topchan

Now cut out 4 parts of 31 cm for 84 cm. Now we will need only 2 of them: these parts will become partitions for internal shelves, and at the same time they will support the seat. The number of such partitions is optional. Start the details in their place.

The second creative life of a baby mattress: excellent and comfortable topchan

Finally, we take a second part of 160 cm for 84 cm and install it above partitions - this is the seat of the future tip.

The second creative life of a baby mattress: excellent and comfortable topchan

Now you can attach the legs to the bottom wall. For greater stability, it is also worth installing an additional leg in the middle. It can be easily made from a wooden bar.

The second creative life of a baby mattress: excellent and comfortable topchan

The body is almost ready, it remains only to install armrests. To do this, cut out 2 parts with parameters 15 cm for 31 cm. We take the remaining 2 parts 31 cm for 84 cm and install them so that in the kit with the new ones they formed armrests. At this stage, you can cover the body impregnation for wood or paint.

The second creative life of a baby mattress: excellent and comfortable topchan

Then we put the mattress. In order for it better to hold the form we put the plywood cut under the trim. On Faneru Fabric Breppy with the help of a construction stapler.

The second creative life of a baby mattress: excellent and comfortable topchan

Ready! It remains only to put the mattress on his rightful place and fill the shelves.

The second creative life of a baby mattress: excellent and comfortable topchan

And below you can watch the video on how to make such a topchair with your own hands.

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