Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year


Among the variety of various knitting schemes for children up to a year, it is difficult to choose a product description, easy to perform for beginner needlewomen and at the same time practical in use.

The maximum detailed master class on knitting sweaters with a hood for a boy from 6 months to a year will help even beginner needlewoman to perform the work perfectly.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

A sweater with a funny teddy bear looks original and easy to operate. Warm spring will be an excellent option for walking. In addition, knitted appliqué with eyes and nose will be the object of interest of the kid.

So that the seamless sweater is exactly as a sample, you need to follow all the advice and apply those belonging to the work in the workshop.

So, the following materials and tools will be used to work:

    • 200 grams of sandy yarn and 100 grams of color yarn "Coffee with milk".

      Night parameters: 270 g / 100 m.

An excellent option will be the yarn of the brand "Pekhorka", the "promising" series. This thread is soft and does not stretch. Its products come out with air and pleasant to the touch. If you failed to purchase exactly such a thread, then try to choose the option that is most suitable in terms.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

  • Spokes number 2.5 at least 35 cm long. The basis fit on them.
  • 2 Pins for knitting a length of at least 20 cm. With their help, it is easy to leave unused in the work of the loop. Since they do not fall with them, it is eliminated by the likelihood that part of the loops "leave".
  • Set of 5 spokes number 2.5. Usually socks knit on such such, but we will use them in the manufacture of seamless sleeves for a children's sweater.
  • Hook number 2.5. With it, we will connect the applique in the form of a fun bear, which will decorate the sweater for the boy. Also the hook is used when assembling the product. It is convenient for them to connect the details of each other.
  • 1 Povenate button on a magnet with a diameter of 13 mm. The use of secret fasteners is relevant in children's things. Do not take complex, difficult to unborn buttons.
  • 5 decorative buttons in the form of bears.
  • Eye and spout for decorating appliqués.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Work description

The basis of many knitting knitting spokes for children is a seamless fabric, in which the armies are contacted. With this taking of knitting, we get rid of unnecessary seams that can interfere with the child. In addition, a seamless product looks much more attractive and more careful. There is no need to poison details.

Knitting the base of the sweater

For the base of the sweater with a teddy, type 160 loops on the long spokes, taking into account the edge classical method. Uniformly dialed loops will become the key to the neat nise of the sweater.

Single rubber tie 8 rows. Due to this bottom of our sweater will have an elastic edge. The baby will be comfortable and comfortable to wear it.

Try the edge loops to knit more freely.

Thus, the edge will be elastic.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

The first 60 rows knit solid cloth. From face - facial, and with an invalion - hinges. Try to keep uniform tension in the course of all work. The sweaters can be smooth, without the "dropping" loops and skewed rows. The length of the product can be adjusted by tied more than specified.

The estimated length of the sweaters from the bottom before the start of the armor is 23 cm.

This size is optimally suitable for a child aged 6 to 12 months.

Knitting a wield of sweaters

Tie the first 45 loops of the web, starting from the front side, and then 3 loops run together as shown in the photo. 1 loop tie facial, 1 - invalid.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Average 80 loops of the base will be rejected onto a knitting pin. This is the future back of our sweater.

40 extreme loops rejected on another pin.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

The use of the pin does not interfere with operation, but only simplifies the process

Getting Started on the shelf, the loop of which remained on the needle. In each facial row, we reduce 3 times 3 loops and 4 times 2 loops.

Smooth and beautiful loose line will be formed if you follow all the advice.

After the final series, in which the loop of the Line of the Prummy, take another 9 rows.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

In 10 (facial) row close the first 7 loops.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Next, 1 loop remove and connect the facial. The following 3 tie together face for the last loop.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Before completing the series, knit facial loops.

Reduce the number of loops while their number does not reach 13.

Carefully treat this indicator, as it should be the same number of loops on all sequins of the product shoulder. Otherwise, it will not be able to gently sew the sleeves.

Tie 5 rows. Close the loop on the face of the product. Right shelf sweaters ready.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

80 loops with knitting pins Referent with the needle to start work from face. Prouch for a sleeve knit according to the instructions described above.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

In 15 minutes after the closure of the loops under the armor, tie the first 12 loops of the facial, 3 loops are tied together for the first loop, 1 facial and 1 purl.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Go to work in the opposite direction. Leave the hinges involved in knitting on the pin.

1 row Perform invoices. Facing the hinge as long as they remain 13. Symmetrically end the other part of the back. On the front side of the base, close the neck loop before starting work on another shoulder.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

40 extreme shelves loops return to the needle and knit in the same way as the right side, but in a mirror projection. The basis of the sweater is ready.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Connect the shoulder seams of the sweater.

Squake parts smoothly. For convenience, the corners of the shoulder sections can be fixed. When knitting a premium under the sleeves, make sure that the extreme hinges had a symmetric tension. Otherwise, it may exit so that the size of the back and the shelf will not coincide.

Seamless hood

As well as the basis of the sweater, the hood will also be without a seam. Moreover, its careful start will avoid inconvenience when wearing the neck. Do not tighten the loops too much, as it may turn out a narrow neck, through which it will be uncomfortable to wear a sweater. Work will have to redo.

Along the edge of the neck, perform a set of 63 loops. Tie 1 row on the wrong side.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

The second row knit as follows: 14 facial, 1 nakid, 1 facial, 1 Nakid, 33 facial, 1 Nakid, 1 facial, 1 nakid and 14 facial loops.

Perform a set of nakida in each row from the face until the hinges become 75.

Tie 45 rows to form the height of the hood.

If you need a big height, perform an additional number of rows. To determine the optimal height, measure the distance from the seventh cervical vertebra to the top of your baby. Add to the resulting indicator, add 3-4 cm. Focus on the size of the hood you need.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

75 loops visually distribute to 3 identical shares. With the inside, tie 49 loops, and 25 of the middle side loop and 1 loop of the last tie together the involving.

Go to work in the opposite direction, that is, turn over. Tie 24 loops fara. The extreme loop is medium and the first extreme part together tie the facial. Remove in extreme parts until only 25 loops in the center of the hood remain. Close down the loops on the edge of the hood is not necessary. Leave the loop on the needle.

A comfortable and seamless hood will not interfere with the kid enjoying walking in the fresh air. The aesthetic look from the inside is also good as outside.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year


Type at the edges from the central third of the hood of 22 loops from the edge loops. Between them on the needle, put on the loops, which remained not closed as a result of knitting the base of the hood. Total increasing 67 pieces. The first row of work must be facial. This element knit from the yarn of a darker color.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Where they scored a loop, they should alternate the facial with Nakid. The central part knit a single elastic band. In the forefreight, continue alternate facial loops with Nakid. With the inside, all the nakida tie the facial. If you do not carry out the set of nakid, the edge of the product is black and lost due. It will be uncomfortable when wearing and completely spoil the appearance of the sweater.

Tie 6 rows and close all loops. Hood ready.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Knitting seamless sleeves

Due to knitting on the knitting needles for circular knitting and adding loops on the back side, the sleeve will be beautiful and quite comfortable.

Try not to make a big break in the work so that the loops in the course of the knitting had the same tension. This will make it possible to achieve the perfect appearance of a sweater for your crumbs.

On the knitting needles for seamless knitting, type 40 loops. Distribute equally for 4 knitting needles. Usually, thus knit socks on 5 knits, but it is precisely such a technique to help avoid the seams on the sleeves of a children's sweater.

Tie 8 rows, alternating through one facial and invalid loops. Perform work in a circle. Elastic cuff will help keep warm. The edge adjacent to the small handle The edge of the product will not rub, since the thread is very soft and there is not a single seam.

Perform 10 rows facial. In 11 row on the first needle after the first loop, make a nakid. Before the last loop of a row on the fourth knitting needle, also type the nakid. Do it in every 11 row in the course of running 4 times. Due to this, the sleeve is becoming wider.

Tie 10 rows. In 11 row, reduce the number of loops on the principle of working on the arm of the sleeve, which is described above. At this stage, work from a circular knitting to knitting with the coup of the parties. After the shake of the skeleton of the sleeve, perform 8 rows and close the face of the product. At this stage of work, uniformity in knitting edge loops should be observed. The sleeve should get absolutely symmetrical.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Tie a second sleeve. Using the hook, the hook sleeves is based on a sweater. Try to keep the ranks in which the loops on the sleeve and the premium were grew.

Decorating sweaters

On the left shelf, type from each edge one loop. In the initial row, alternate the Nakid and simple loops. It is necessary to form a smooth plank. In the second row of the Nakid, knit facial loops. As well as Kaima Hood, this element is performed from the thread of the color of "coffee with milk". Tie 6 rows and close the loop on the front side. This bar serves as a decor. On her later, you should put buttons.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Tie a crochet of a teddy bear for appliqué. Connect them, secure the nose and eyes.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Carefully our applique to the base. Connect the shelves so that there are about 7 centimeters from above. Sun at the top of the secret button. At the same distance from each other in the height of the sweaters of the buttons. They are decorative - do not unbound! For the convenience of dressing and shooting there is a button.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Sweater is ready!

After completing the work on the sweater, there are some sandy color threads and almost a whole mix of the color of the color "Coffee with milk". Of these, you can make a simple hat and warm socks for your baby. A beautiful and cozy kit will warm the crumb and delight the eyes of the mother.

Knitting sweaters with funny teddy bear for children up to year

Caring for a product

Empty such a gentle product is best manually. Use special means for delicate care for knitted things. Modern household chemicals to care for children's things not only helps to preserve their appearance without deformation, but also to get rid of pollution that are inevitable.

Things for small babies should be comfortable and high-quality made of good raw materials. Nothing can replace clothes made by her own hands. It is not only an exclusive, but also brings love in every loop.

We picked up a video master class nice needlewomen on seamless knitting needles for children.

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