Knitting for kids


I knit these sets to the past fly. I do not speculate on authorship, since I spied on the Internet, well, my performance. This solar package is associated as a gift to daughter friends - for baby to her biennium

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Eyes in a cat - buttonholes, and nose and tongue are connected separately and nassed from above

Knitting for kids

For the handles used transparent flexible tubes, so as not to be dirty with children's handles on walks :)

The daughter asked to tie a girlfriend as a gift Panamochka "like in the picture." The picture was a panama in the form of a watermelon (what a pleasant and delicious topic for inspiration! =)). But the Panamuchka really wanted to do something else to be a set. After some discussions decided that it would be a handbag. In fact, this and previous kits knitted in parallel, so the handbag was also in the other. But here the handbag was supposed to be certainly in the "watermelon" topic. And of course, it simply couldn't be anything else, as ... Spebochka, cut off from the very tasty and sweet watermelons (oh, when there are watermelons already? Already the taste in the tongue is felt =)). So the idea of ​​watermelon panama while I am not a famous author was supplemented with a watermelon handbag

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

The bones are real: while they were fresh, riding them on a thread at a distance of each other, when dried off a slightly varnish (there was some kind of hand), well, and then removed from the thread and like a beaser squeezed. The needle to ride a thread so far Then it was easier.

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Well, how to divide the grandson

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

Knitting for kids

These are the sets of me.

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