"Aerial" kitchen decorations


Decoration Kitchen-favorite lesson for women, because here we spend so much time! It's nice when you surround lovely and funny baubles. I present to you another decoration made by your own hands, which can diversify and decorate your interior. These are "air" balls from thread. Make them very simply, and the main thing is a vast variety of forms, colors and materials for their manufacture. Materials necessary for the manufacture of the most simple is the balloons, threads or yarn, PVA glue, diluted with water 1: 1, sequins or any other material, fats, beads, and so on., And Vazilin. I inflate the ball to the desired size, it is good to lubricate vaseline. Thread, without tearing off from the coil or shuffle to the bowl with glue and turn around in chaotic order around the ball. Sew on with a limful condition until complete drying, then pierce the balloon and remove the easho from the ball from the thread. Covered some more glue, sprinkle with sparkles or decorate another utility material, you can do anything else.

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