How to transfer the pattern on the mirror, glass, porcelain. Original idea


1. What we need:

How to transfer the pattern on the mirror, glass, porcelain. Original idea

We take a picture with well-filled main contours. (You can even sometimes need to use photoshop - for example, remove the colors, make the main outline brighter, remove the extra fragment or fill, convert the size.)

Here - the picture printed on the printer under the desired size, translated into the monochrome.

Next, we take a roller of the food film.

And the last thing we need at this stage is a marker marker for glass. It is well and smoothly falling and is easier easily flushed with glass with water.

(I use markers "SES Creative", for three years they have me. They are positioned as for children's creativity, and what is good - that in the set there are such colors like white and lemon - that, again, convenient to work with dark glass or Light paints.)

2. Step first.

How to transfer the pattern on the mirror, glass, porcelain. Original idea

Cut a piece of food film of the desired size. I cut a slightly greater format than the drawing, so that the edges of the film can join the table - so it will ride less and get back.

We decline the film in the figure and get a picture, if possible, carefully and fine.

3. Step two.

How to transfer the pattern on the mirror, glass, porcelain. Original idea

Gently take our film with a translated pattern (for the food is so sampling - everything strives to glue) and lay it on the blastness face down. In the sense of that side on which we painted the marker to the surface.

Also pay attention to what: we translated the drawing - it was stationed on the left; When coup - it is right. It will be necessary to take into account when preparing a picture - what it will be a mirror image of the sketch. So, if it is necessary that the drawing on the product was unpleasant copy of the original - the picture must be reflected in the graphics editor before printing.

We apply a film with a drawing contour to the surface (the fact that it should be pre-degrees to remind you too unnecessary;)), we can crack and "glue" - the food film is also good that herself lipnet. Our task is to paint it so that folds and bubbles would not be formed.

We take some kind of sharp object with which it will be convenient to draw the drawing again and quite thin. (I have such bamboo sticks for home kebabs. But you can take it and for example a gel handle, a pail of a manicure. The main thing that would be the tip of which we will have a subtle rattling and not crossed film.)

4. Step Third

How to transfer the pattern on the mirror, glass, porcelain. Original idea

Remove the film, carefully so that you would not smear and do not erase the resulting drawing.

I have a firmly strong marker, but still smell your face - you can sang.

If somewhere the picture was poorly translated or forgotten some element to circle - now it's time to adjust the same marker, not overlapping the film (I will smash the rest while aligning), and already on the eye, by origin.

5. Step fourth

How to transfer the pattern on the mirror, glass, porcelain. Original idea

For stained painting at this stage, I use the outline on the glass.

I have made the contour with a tassel and acrylic paints.

Then the remains of the marker that remained stitching from under the contour paint gently remove with cotton swabs in water. The paint should be dried and the contour itself is better not to rub with the addiction.

The irregularity of the contour itself can be corrected with sharp something, I do the Swiss knife

6. Conclusion.

How to transfer the pattern on the mirror, glass, porcelain. Original idea

Painted contour drawing.

Well, here - as prompts fantasy and asks the soul. If we have a stained glass equipment - then there is a little more complicated, purely technically. Because the paint is transparent and the shady looks more like the fill right in the contour.

And for the painting of such a plan - the most combination of a plurality of small smears. And La Voila - as soon as everything dried - the product is almost ready. It is advisable to fasten the drawing: bake (if the paints provide the possibility of baking, this is indicated on the jars as well as the temperature and time for this process). Bake better If the dishes are used at least sometimes directly appointment, then it can be washed even in a typewriter (well, they write on the banks, I did not try it yet. :)) If the purpose is purely decorative - then you can cover with varnish. Better brush, not from the balloon, and directly the drawing itself 1-2 mm wide its contour. This plate can also be used - well, not for hot soup, but for bread or fruit, and you can also rinse - under the crane, in cool water and especially without rudder. ;)

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