Naughty cooking


Naughty cooking
Hello expensive craftsmen and guests of the site! I suggest your attention apron and caps for our kids. I went to school for my son. Passed into the class and my gaze fell on unsightly products in which our first dudes are on duty. So I decided why and me the evening did not pass for the typewriter myself in joy and kids not please with bright aprons and sepacious?
Naughty cooking
Two Sinigna Senior Vanechka sewed to school and here and Malets: Mom also want! I gathered the pounds of the brighter and pleased the sink with a bright set
Naughty cooking
Photographed everything individually and in the angles for you. So that you visually and understand
Naughty cooking
Naughty cooking
Naughty cooking
Naughty cooking
Naughty cooking
Of course, there is nothing special and exquisite in these works, but before sewing I went through sites and did not find anything suitable therefore I decided to lay out on the site can come in handy. Thanks for attention!!!!

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