Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting


Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

A small article about how to make a wooden stand under the back / head. Of course, it is hard to carry her on the beach, but at the cottage, or near the pool, just right.

Tools and materials:



- Dowel;

-Tic oil;

-Clifoval machine;

-Blower machine;



-Drilling machine;

- Check;

Step One: Sketch

First, the master is developing a sketch of a sun bed. You can download the file by this link.

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Step second: cut

Next, the master produces the cutting board. Processes on the milling machine.

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Step Three: Edges

The edges of the blanks sprawl.

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Step Four: Adjustment Board

Now you need to make two boards, as in the photo. With the help of them will be adjusted the angle of lifting the back.

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Step Fifth: Stops

It makes the item to which the back will be relying.

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Step Six: Finishing, Assembly

Covers with tick oil.

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Collects sunbed.

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting

All is ready.

Country pickling with adjustment of an angle of lifting


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