I'll tell you how to brush the cast-iron pan.


After reviewing the latest newsletter and finding a debate about cleaning the cast iron from rust (in the topic about enameled gas stove)), I decided to write it all))

Once, he was visiting and, discovered in an old plate, which was not used for a long time, a small, cast-iron skillet. And upset when she took her in hand - the inner surface was covered with rust ... And because This frying pan stuck to anyone not needed in an abandoned state, I brought her home and began to look for a tip in the internet - how to clean the cast iron from rust without consequences? The case was in front of the male, and, I wanted to bake pancakes precisely on the cast iron frying pan, because In principle, they do not work well :) After reviewing quite a few sites, I decided on the choice ... I post this recipe here, I think it will come in handy many more.

The first stage is to roll the pan with salt, pouring salt on the bottom with a thick layer and leave on ma-a-linet for a long time - 3-4-5-6 hours. After this time (it all depends on the thickness of fatty sediments), you will notice how the Nagar will begin to crack and turn black peels. When you find it necessary to remove a frying pan from the fire, let it cool, remove everything in it, then rinse with water and start directly cleaning from rust. For this, take the crude potatoes in the peel, cut it in half, make a cut in salt and rub places, Where there is an rye. A acid, which, mixing with salt and rust, will be distilled from potatoes, forms a mixture. As contamination, we remove all this and begin first.

Then we rinse with water again, wipe dry, pour oil to the bottom, lubricating the entire inner surface, we leave for 30-60 minutes. On ma-a-allen, fire is rolled.

The most interesting thing is to check the result)) If it seemed to you that rust remained, repeat the process of cleaning the potatoes and salt, then rinse again with water, dry and smear the oil.

The day after repeated procedures, I began to bake pancakes in fear - suddenly something will be wrong? ....... children were satisfied - everything was just wonderful! :) Now, this is a cast-iron miracle in my favorite! After use, I will definitely wip dry and lubricate oil. I hope that my writer will benefit someone. Good luck!

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