Rugs from old things: Cozy ideas for beginners and experienced craftsmen


Personally, I firmly believe that the rugs do not happen much. They need a lot of and different - from wool and cotton, monophonic and bright, round and square, simple and original to change not only for the season, but also by mood. In the summer, it is nice to walk on a soft cotton, and in the winter you can sash and spiny wool, if only it was warmer.

Cozy rugs can be made with their own hands.
Cozy rugs can be made with their own hands.

It is clear that it is not a problem to buy mats now, you can not even go out of the house - they will bring it, just this will cost this undershore. But there is a way out of the position: make them with your own hands from unnecessary things, which probably can be found in the closet or in the attic. Choosing this option, we get triple benefits: firstly, the rugs themselves, with the shape, size and colors that caress our eyes and please the soul. Secondly, we save a considerable amount that we can spend on the purchase of expensive seeds or seedlings with a clean conscience. Thirdly, we liberate the space in the closet, storage room or in the attic. The cozy view of the room and the pleasure of well-done work we get as a bonus.

Magnifier manufacturing technician, you can find master classes on any of them, so I propose to restrict ourselves to ideas. Today we will admire homemade masterpieces from the fabric. Starty T-shirts, sweaters, blouses, jeans, tiny loskutka - everything will go into business!


Surely, many learned the "Babushkin" rug. Yes, before he was an attribute of exclusively village houses, but the change of fashion turned face to a modest product of folk fishing. Now designers of interiors in need advise customers to decorate respectable villas with the simplest handmade mats - it is stylish. And it's easy to make it: cut the old T-shirt (pillowcase, towel, dress - what you have) to narrow strips, sew or link them between yourself, and you can start working.

Traditional rug from tissue residues
Traditional rug from tissue residues

If you knit the fabric strips - the rug will be soft, cozy. Many people like the improved option: the tissue strip is tied with a thread, then the product is obtained more dense, it is better to hold the form.

It can be done softer, and more dense
It can be done softer, and more dense

Color combinations may be the most unimaginable. And do not embarrass if it turns out too bright: the main thing is that you like the result.

Advanced Babushkin Rook
Advanced "Babushkin" rug

In this technique, make smooth edges of rectangular rugs is quite difficult, but I would not have grown about this. In my opinion, the lack of perfectly smooth lines only emphasizes the identity of the product.

Uneven edges do not spoil the general view
Uneven edges do not spoil the general view


The name is serious, but in fact everything is simple: the usual braid. For the base more often take a strong thread, then the rug will live longer. But you can make it from the same tissue bands, will also get well.

Need a woven rug? Easily!
Need a woven rug? Easily!

See what happens in the end: threads are taken to the left, right - tissue strips.

Color combinations depend only on your preferences
Color combinations depend only on your preferences

To create rectangular rugs, you will have to build a certain likeness of a weaving machine: make a wooden frame, to the upper and lower bar drive away small carnations. The closer to each other there will be nails, the more the filaments of the foundation, the more dense it will be a canvas. And for round rugs, you can do with simpler options: attach the bottoms of the base to the gymnastic hoop or the cardboard.

If there is no machine
If there is no machine

Lovers of large invoices will certainly like these options. And if each of the bands fill with syntheps and sew around the edge (of course, before weaving), the rug will turn out to be much warmer and softer.

And how do you like such a braid?
And how do you like such a braid?


Very simple and pleasant way: Movement of weighing every will be able to put them out, and you can connect them in various ways: to be sewed manually, strain on the sewing machine, glue to the base.

Braids can be sewn manually, on a sewing machine or glue to base
Braids can be sewn manually, on a sewing machine or glue to base

Some mats are so good that you want to repeat them exactly. Sorry, but it is unlikely. Admiring the violence of paints, for some reason he remembered that psychologists advise in the gloomy winter months specifically add warm colors to the interior for a good mood.

Bright mats for good mood
Bright mats for good mood

Old towels and bathrobes may well find the second life with your help. Just look at what wonderful mats are their terry canvas! And how nice to step on them with bare feet! The perfect option for the bedroom or bathroom.

Soft towel rugs
Soft towel rugs


They are also just to do: short segments of the fabric are tied to the basis - Canva (grid), it can be found in needlework stores. The cell size is chosen according to the thickness of the tissue segments that will stretch through it. True, it is worth the good basis. And again, our cuttlece craftsmen came up with an alternative option: to sew the tissue to the base. In the photo, they are in a spaced form, and if you folded every landscape edges inward, then the appearance of the product is on the grid that it will be almost the same on the tissue basis.

Add rugs Lochmatosti
Add rugs Lochmatosti

It is possible to practice on the abstraction, and squeezing a little hand, go to the creation of more complex images, a flowering meadow, for example.

Ideas for inspiration
Ideas for inspiration

Quite nice it turns out, right?

And a bit more
And a bit more


Well, what about without it? Perhaps ideas in such a technique most and every one is good. But we decided that the rugs should be a lot, so the problem of choice before us is not worth it, right?

Good old patchwork
Good old patchwork

It is very beautiful than half of the details with filling: most often it is a cord or a thin rope, less often - rolled fabric stripes. They can be sewn and manually, but it looks much more beautiful to the "Zigzag" machine.

Methods for connecting bands
Methods for connecting bands

Beauty - no words!
Beauty - no words!

Like large fragments - please! Prefer details in bed - no problem!

In such a technique you can portrait almost anything
In such a technique you can portrait almost anything

Well, these ideas are clearly for ASs Patchwork - a beginner is unlikely to have a patience to create such a complex design.

From tiny cropping
From tiny cropping

In dreams of summer
Manual stitch
Manual stitch

Perhaps someone will help this simple way: just put the fabric cutting and sneak. The closer to lay the seams, the less likelihood that the edge of any loskutka will remain unpripted and will spoil the general view, proudly steaming over a flat rock rug. If there is a decorative grid (I somehow used the trim of the fate - it turned out perfectly), put it on top of the flashers and then flash, - everyone will lie like nice!

Quickly and simple
Quickly and simple

Could not indifferently pass past the cute ideas for the nursery. In addition to the main function, it is not possible to frozen on the cold floor, "such mats will help the baby to develop spatial thinking, logic, patience and other useful skills. Puzzles in the photo on the right are made of felt trimming, which can be successfully replaced with a wool knitted web. Just before starting the work, wash the old sweater or dress in hot water: the thing will decrease into several sizes, but the canvas will become so dense that the edges of the cuts are practically not dissolved.

Puzzles rugs
Puzzles rugs


That's what is for sure in every home in excess, so it is unnecessary jeans. That small steel, then zipper was out of order, and children with grandchildren replenish the deposits in the attic with obsolete models. Well, where to give all this good? The fabric is good, strong, throw the hand does not rise. And right: you can make a lot of useful things for the house. And the rugs are obtained - everyone is expensive!

Options are practically inexhaustible
Options are practically inexhaustible

Charmingly seemingly familiar to you stitched braids, pleases the eyes of a stylish hand stitch, pleasantly hugs the feet of a fluffy rug on the grid.

Rugs in various execution techniques
Rugs in various execution techniques

Or such a simple option: narrow tissue stripes sewn on the dense base. Maybe you know another uncomplicated way? Share with us, for sure the rugs from jeans will come to many souls, and it will not be with the materials for making problems.

Make just, but looks beautiful
Make just, but looks beautiful


You can also be sewn manually, although the car will be much faster. Production technique is simple: folding the segment of the fabric to the corner (converter, semicircle with folds - as your soul) and sew up.

Fantasy needlewoman does not know borders
Fantasy needlewoman does not know borders

Looking at these man-made masterpieces, unwittingly remembered the bright symmetric patterns of Kaleidoscope.

Kaleidoscope Krasok
Kaleidoscope Krasok

Artificial stones

Only for patient, because a lot of work here: first to make the workpiece, and then collect them into a one. True, the result is worth - mats are extremely beautiful and unusual.

Ideas for amp
Ideas for amp

From the felt

From such a good material, it turns out to be rarely warm and cozy rug. But just put on the floor a felt square or a circle is not for us, too simple. How to decorate woolen gray? You see a pair of possible options in the photo. I think you should not explain what exactly needs to be done, everything is clear without words.

Such a rug will be very warm!
Such a rug will be very warm!


Fans collect mats from small fragments for sure will like this idea.

Just for the cottage: from snails
Just for the cottage: from the "snails"

Well, it seems to be all seen to you. I believe that I managed to find not all ways to create mats from the fabric. Therefore, do not hesitate to supplement the selection of ideas that passed by my attention. And if you already have fabric fellowships, share with us photos of your creativity, because ideas for inspiration never happens a lot (like good words to the Master's address)! Yes, I almost forgot: looking after the ideas of the fabric, keep in mind that there are still knitted and unusual rugs in turn.


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