Magic transformation of old jeans: 20 ideas for needlewomen


Where do old jeans? Probably, sooner or later, such a question arises before each fan of this clothing. Favorite jeans are often hung in the literal sense to holes, and one day the moment of parting comes: to give the resulting cuts for a fashionable and stylish decor will not succeed, the patch will not help either ...

Old jeans turns ... What?
Old jeans turns ... What?

I had a lot of such from the use of denim clothing. Throw your hand does not rise, because the fabric, with the exception of individual past parts, is very durable, and it can give a second life, turning old things in new - practical, beautiful and useful. I search for ideas! Who is with me?

1. Kitchen tag

Let's start with the simplest, accessible to even novice needlewomen or very busy hostesses. I myself, for example, for something big it is unlikely whether it is unlikely to leave, but on the little things ... especially, there is no little tapes in the kitchen!

Caps do not happen little!
Caps do not happen much!

They can be made completely laconic and practical, and you can decorate with embroidery or appliqué and turn into an element of the kitchen decor - everything is in our hands. A very tempting idea is to use that part that with pockets: Look, what wonderful tacks-mittens are obtained (photo on the right above).

2. Table Serving Accessories

If you started with a kitchen top, let's develop it. How do you like such napkins and pockets for cutlery?

We serve the table
We serve the table

I think, for a cottage picnic or youth party - what you need! It turns out fresh, original and stylish, agree?

Concisely, stylish, elegant
Concisely, stylish, elegant

And again, sew such accessories easily and quickly, there would be a sewing machine at hand. Well, if you wish, the idea can be developed to infinity: combine fabrics, decorate the pockets appliqué, add a lace and so on ...

3. Wall-mounted organizer for trifles

Another practical and pretty simple idea. All sorts of very necessary smallest things that I would have to streamline, and the young fashionista, and the Mama-needlewoman, and the teenager schoolchildren - a comfortable wall-mounted organizer from a durable denim tissue will help to clean up and keep the necessary things at hand.

For those who love order
For those who love order

The creative approach to creating this interior detail is only welcome. It is not necessary to make an organizer in the form of a simple rectangle - the cats also look great. You can play with a form or location of pockets, use various decorative elements - it all depends only on the desire and masters of the craftsmen, there are no restrictions!

Creative approach is welcome
Creative approach is welcome

There are no strict rules - this organizer can and need to be configured. I think, and at the cottage, this idea is useful - for storing bags with seeds, gloves, a small tool (such as secantors or scissors). Denim tissue is durable, reliable, erased well, if that ...

Denim organizer is simple and practical
Denim organizer is simple and practical

In general, such devices for storing small things are universal - they will have a place in the hallway, and in the kitchen, and in the bathroom, and in the children's, and in the work office ...

So, for example, kitchen organizers may look like
So, for example, kitchen organizers may look like

If only stocks had enough stocks! The list of ideas is also just beginning ...

4. Organizer for the panels on the sofa

And for this purpose, old jeans are suitable as it is impossible (of course, provided that such a material is combined with the interior of your dwelling).

Now the consoles, favorite magazines and all sorts of necessary little things are always at hand
Now the consoles, favorite magazines and all sorts of necessary little things are always at hand

The number and size of pockets depends on the needs, well, the decor can be chosen to taste and mood - not necessarily lace, as in the photo.

5. Decorative pillows

What else should be on the sofa? Of course, pillows! The more - the better: they are so convenient to launch from all sides to read the book, to do the needlework or watch TV ...

Practicality or special decorativeness? What do you choose?
Practicality or decorativeness? What do you choose?

I love pillows very much, so I'm interested in such an idea. Not sure, it is true that it is ready to work on a complex and exquisite decor, but simple and practical models, in my opinion, also look good.

The appearance of the cushion from denim can be very diverse.
The appearance of the cushion from denim can be very diverse.

Well, it is asking for a suitable addition to pillows - spectacular denim bedspread or plaid, agree?

6. Plaid or bedspread

This is my old dream. I think the reserves of jeans are already enough for a big bedspread - it remains to choose a suitable idea and find time to bring it to.

Denim beds in the technique of Patchwork
Denim beds in the technique of Patchwork

However, even if the denim fabric is not enough, it is not a reason to abandon the venture: a motley plaid from multicolored looskuts looks no worse than strict and concise. Just the selection of accessories and the situation must be appropriate.

Denim plaids and bedspreads will definitely decorate the interior
Denim plaids and bedspreads will definitely decorate the interior

And by the way, as a blanket, I think, the combined option is even more successful: all the same denim fabric is pretty heavy and rude. For the covers, this is normal, but the plaid wants to make softer, sayer ...

7. Rook

If the bed decorates denim bedspread, and on the sofa - a pile of denim pillows, perhaps it is worth adding them to a suitable rug. Logical?

Denim mats can be sewn ...
Denim mats can be sewn ...

Moreover, there is a space for creativity even wider: you can not be limited to alone products from the flaps. Even those who do not know how to sew, easy to make suitable technique for creating a chic denim rug.

And you can use other techniques
And you can use other techniques

Although, I confess, until I saw the photos, I didn't even think that old jeans could cut on the ribbons, so that then to tie, weave, weaving the charming rug. My fantasy at first, the patchwork did not advance, but now new horizons opened for her!

8. Furniture Cases

Those who easily defeated rugs and bedspreads, no longer scary and put on the furniture covers, and then the drawing of old sofas or seats to begin. Maybe you have a long-term furniture masterpiece for a long time?

Sofas ...
Sofas ...

Yes, I agree that denim furniture is not for every home. It is very specific and requires the appropriate situation. This is not even a style - this is a lifestyle. But agree, these samples are impressive!

Chairs ...
Chairs ...

In the end, it can not be taken for large furniture - to restrict ourselves to small but very useful objects. Such as the ottoman, for example.

Puffy ...
Puffy ...

What and the doctrine is not needed? And what do you say about the lampshar?

Lampsaw ...
Lampsaw ...

Or the cover on the back of the working chair with pockets for the tablet and the smartphone - he just conquered me. Original, convenient and at the same time not difficult.

And other furniture
And other furniture

In the end, if you can't imagine such furniture in your urban apartment, and I like the idea, maybe it is worth updating the country's interior? For example, sew denim covers for stools or chairs ...

9. Case and rug organizer for sewing machine

By the way, about the covers ... perhaps, it's time to take care of our worker, without which all these wonderful things do not create - a sewing machine. Well, about yourself a little. Case for your assistant and convenient rug organizer for scissors and other tools can also be sewn from old jeans.

To sew it more convenient
To sew it more convenient

And then more add a set of a suitable pillow for pins and a basket for needlework:

Needlewoman set Advanced denim basket and pillow
Needlewoman set Advanced denim basket and pillow

A well-organized workplace does work easy and comfortable, and cute accessories improve your mood, do you agree?

10. Phone Case

Continuing the topic of covers, it is impossible to bypass the phones, smartphones and tablets. Now most of us do not think of your life without these gadgets, and a convenient case for each of them is the thing absolutely necessary.

And telephone in place and headphones are not lost
And telephone in place and headphones are not lost

Of course, you can buy ready. And you can sew suitable with your own hands. From old jeans, yes. In my opinion, this topic deserves attention.

Case-handbag for charging the phone - brilliantly invented!
Case-handbag for charging the phone - brilliantly invented!

The idea in the photo on the right conquered me. I think everyone came across such a situation: a short wiring of the charger - and no furniture near the only free outlet. Pocket from old jeans helps easy and elegantly solve the problem.

11. Bag or backpack

Denim bags and backpacks - classic genre. So where the fantasy can get roaring on the full coil! I myself am a supporter of concise and practical options, but I do not look without interest on all sorts of exotic. For me, the main advantage of such "Avosek" is their strength, the rest - pleasant bonuses.

Denim bags for every taste
Denim bags for every taste

For young people, as far as I can judge in your siblings, backpacks are preferred. Sew a good backpack is a bit more complicated than the usual bag, but the convenience is worth their efforts.

Stylish jeans backpacks
Stylish jeans backpacks

Those who have beloved clothes are jeans, such a backpack will fit perfectly. Make younger as a gift for the new year, or ...

12. Jewelry and accessories

Young fashion can interest and denim jewelry - original earrings, necklaces, bracelets, beads, brooches that can be made with their own hands.

Denim bijouterie
Denim bijouterie

As a festive decoration, they are unlikely to fit, it is rather a daily option. And the New Year's gift for the sister or girlfriend can be successful.

13. Cover for album, diary, notepad

Yes, holidays are not far off. Such things will also be an excellent gift - ourselves, beloved, or colleague, or a grown daughter - I am sure, many will be easily found in their surroundings those who have to taste such a present.

Strict and elegant, for yourself or as a gift
Strict and elegant, for yourself or as a gift

Pockets on the cover will be useful to put hands and pencils, and a comfortable clasp for a chubby album with photos will be released from the jeans belt.

Stylish Cover from Old Jeans
Stylish Cover from Old Jeans

The cover can be made removable, and you can make it possible to make a stylish denim binding for a finished or homemade notepad, album, diary.

14. Packaging for gifts

Why not? For example, a pouch for a bottle of sparkling wine from a pant of old jeans is wonderful. Time to make such a decor will need quite a bit, and looks original.

Denim Wine Bottle Pouch
Denim Wine Bottle Pouch

By the same principle it is easy to do, for example, a bag for a sweet gift. And you can decorate a denim cardboard box for your present. There are many options, and I think, we will return to this topic - closer to the new year.

15. Wicker basket

This idea impressed with his surprise. Although, if the rugs from denim tapes knit, why would the baskets do not weave ... and by the way, they can also be used as a gift packaging.

If you cut old jeans on ribbons, you can weave baskets
If you cut old jeans on ribbons, you can weave baskets

I do not know how comfortable and practical, but interesting is indisputable. Or maybe someone already did similar baskets? Why did you use them?

16. Toys and souvenirs

An excellent gift is a soft toy that stitched with her own hands. For example, a fun mouse - a symbol of the upcoming year. Or even a whole mouse family.

Great idea for gift for any holiday
Great idea for gift for any holiday

It is clear that for such crafts you need skills - soft toys are not all needlewoman sewing. On the other hand, why not learn? It turns out so cool!

Cute and funny jeans souvenirs
Cute and funny jeans souvenirs

In any case, simple models - such as the elephant or the same mice - will be able to even too experienced craftsmen.

17. New Year's decorations

Another actual topic. She exactly deserves more attention, and I hope to devote a separate selection to her, but for now - a couple of ideas for inspiration:

New Year's jewelry of jeans? Why not...
New Year's jewelry of jeans? Why not...

Non-standard, but it looks cute, isn't it? And who said that the Christmas angel cannot wear a denim costume?

18. Extravagant Garden Decor

The following idea is presented ambiguous. Personally, I'm not sure what I would like to see such compositions in my garden every day. But it is impossible not to pay tribute to the ingenuity and the sense of humor of gardeners, which invent and embody such ideas.

Extravagant garden compositions from old jeans
Extravagant garden compositions from old jeans

I would also not count on the durability of the "masterpiece" - I believe that the first pair of rain will make the composition of non-primable. Rather, this is at once - for example, to surprise and hang out guests.

19. Apron

But what the hostess is exactly necessary every day, it is a convenient and practical apron. And old jeans can successfully turn into it!

Apron is needed, probably every mistress
Apron is needed, probably every mistress

Short or long; with rolling rumbled or sports style; With the abundance of pockets or very simple - each option is good in its own way.

Logs and decoration can be made to taste.
Logs and decoration can be made to taste.

Hard to choose? So, you need to do several aprons - for different tasks, for different occasions: for giving and for home, to work in the garden and for summer kitchen ...

20. Shoes

And put to the apron - comfortable home slippers or light slippers. From the old jeans sew anything - from children's booties to summer boots.

Denim shoes for home
Denim shoes for home

Yes, in jeans you can equip with legs to the head, and this is not an exaggeration! Unfortunately, beats and various garments stitched from old jeans remained beyond the selections.


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