A miniature copy of the bonsai of beads.


A miniature copy of the bonsai of beads.

A miniature copy of the bonsai of beads.

This is my first experience. Then she did, more. Crushed.

To work, it is necessary: ​​copper wire, 30 g of beads of green shades, threads number 10 of brown, mounting tape and a small cutting tree for a stand.

Do not cut off the wire from the coil we ride a sufficient amount of beads, we leave about 10 cm of free wire and we make 7 penetrations of 7 bispers each, fixing them at a distance of 0.5 -0.8 one from another.

A miniature copy of the bonsai of beads.

A miniature copy of the bonsai of beads.

For the execution of the loop, we deduct 7 beery and, holding them on the wire with your fingers of the left hand, right return the ends of the wire, fixing the loop. Having finished all the loops, we connect the ends of the wire and twist them by forming a central ring. (Unpaired loop). Starting from the middle, twist together the wire between the loops on both sides of the ring. So there are brushes-sprigs. In this way, we make 40-50 such twigs. To form lateral twigs twist 2-3-4-5 small brushes and winds and wind their threads in the trunk tone.

A miniature copy of the bonsai of beads.

A miniature copy of the bonsai of beads.

A miniature copy of the bonsai of beads.

A miniature copy of the bonsai of beads.

In order to increase the thickness of the trunk, we wind up the wire tape on the twisted ends, and then wind the thread. Gradually, in a free order, we attach a brush-branch, not forgetting to increase the thickness of the barrel with the help of a thicker wire, the mounting tape and performing the winding of the threads. Compound the trunks, bend them at their discretion. Fix the mini bonsai in the tree cutting hole.

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