Birch of beads (master class)


Good afternoon!

Master classes for the manufacture of trees from beads a lot, I will lay out my own.)) We must try ..);)

Here is such a birch ...

Birch of beads (master class)

Materials and tools:

Birch of beads (master class)

1. Green beads, you can a few shades -50 gr;

2. Copper wire -0.3 mm;

3. Steel wire or aluminum wire (2-3 mm), you can take knitting needles;

4. Floral tape;

5. Plaster

6. Glue PVA

7. Acrylic paints - white and black;

8. Acryl varnish, but you can use any, even nail polish;

9. Stand (I have a pallet for flower pots);

10. Tassels.

Well, proceed ...

To begin with, we gain our wire beads. Then, we make branches of looping technique. On the twig there are 7-9 penets. In each loop from 3 to 5 beerts. Cut the wire and twist.

Birch of beads (master class)
Birch of beads (master class)

After the small twigs are made, form large branches. First, I twist two and add another one along the branch itself. You can add another smaller to one twig ...

Birch of beads (master class)
Birch of beads (master class)

Optionally, you can add a dry twig from the wire and also to go into a large branch.

In nature, the design of the crown of a living tree depends on the number and mutual arrangement of large basic branches and converting branches.

Regardless of the shape of the crown of a tree on it, it is always easy to distinguish between the main branches of the first order - those that depart directly from the trunk. It is placed by more subtle branches of the second and third orders. The top of the tree is lengthened with increasing and new shoots are constantly appearing on it. The lower branches grow styling and thrive too small shoots.

Here we are for the manufacture of the crown of the beaded trees from small twigs make branches.

The branches on the trees are arranged according to the Fibonacci sequence, well, we rudely say so-along the screw line. Therefore, we will have our branches along the screw line, gradually increasing their size due to new little twigs of the second and third order.

Birch of beads (master class)

For convenience, I placed on the table all twigs in size.

Then she took a thick wire, approximately 30 cm and screwed several small branches with a floristic ribbon to it. To more convenient to form a crown, I use a blank coil from the wire as a stand.

Birch of beads (master class)
Birch of beads (master class)

Now my hands are free, and I begin to screw the twig over the screw.

Birch of beads (master class)
Birch of beads (master class)
Birch of beads (master class)

When all branches are in place, I choose the size of the future tree, bend down to the stability of thick wire and plant in the pallet. For this, I use a thick mixture of plaster + PVA. I make this process in the evening, until the morning, plaster froze and the tree is reliably fixed.

Birch of beads (master class)

The next day, I cover the branches of the plaster mixture (liquid home =) sour cream), starting on top.

Raising the twigs, fault them from all sides. For convenience, branches with beads can be wrapped in foil so as not to be swap.

Birch of beads (master class)
Birch of beads (master class)
Birch of beads (master class)
Birch of beads (master class)
Then thickening the trunk and form the roots.
Birch of beads (master class)

We are waiting for everything to dry well and proceed to painting.

The entire barrel is covered with white acrylic paint. She must dry.

Then we take a dry hard brush, we recruit a little black acrylic paint, remove the superfluous on the sheet of paper and paint the sprigs and the trunk of the birch. The tips of the twigs and the trunk at the base with the roots are painted with pressure, keeping a brush perpendicular to the trunk.

Birch of beads (master class)

Now we open the entire trunk with acrylic varnish.

Well, here we are ready, now we decorate the stand.

Mobile liquid (with water) green paint bottoms with roots. This is us imitation of green grass. You can glue moss, beads, pebbles, artificial grass.

So that the birch is not lonely, you can plant a little animal, made of plaster or plastic fungi.)

Then cover everything with varnish.

Well, I looked attentively on our tree, did not forget anything, there is nothing superfluous.

Now admire.)

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