Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands


Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

How to make oblique bay with your own hands

So, let's start talk About Celtic Patterns from afar, s oblique beyk.

If you do not want to mess around for a long time, then, of course, you can buy ready. The minus here is that you can not always get exactly the color and width that you need for your idea. In addition, the ready-made oblique bay is quite the road.

In order to save and make a truly unique job, I suggest you to make a missing baking with your own hands.

Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

To do this, carve out of the fabric square , cut it diagonally and sew the sides to turn out to be parallelograms, that is, the upper and lower sides are the diagonal of the original square.

Then apply Marking - We are placing the lines of the cut so that the width of the bands obtained is 2 times wider than the width of the oblique bay desired.

Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

We cross the tissue with a pipe by shifting one strip.

The offset made in the previous step will allow us to cut off the uniform strip of the future oblique bay from this pipe on the spiral.

Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

The resulting strip is starting from two sides to the wrong one, getting the actually already desired oblique beyk.

Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

If you have, take advantage of a special device for itching. If not, then you can smoothly fuel the plain on a metal ruler or roulette: put a ruler on the wrong strip and start the fabric on both sides.

Celtic patterns

The resulting beak is now laying on the cloth by the Celtic pattern.

The locations of the corners with the fold so that one side of the angle of the coal lay on the edge of the beaks. With this method of laying, the angles are accomplished neat.

Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

If the line ends, then hide the end of the strip inside.

Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

In all magazines, Western craftsmen use special glue, which spray strips before sewing, and they are easily fixed on the fabric.

For the absence of such funds, I tried to pin a blank on the fabric, but then you need a lot of pins, since the lines are too curved.

But at the same time, when the second color went into move, it is convenient to skip one strip under the other.

The hint is reliable than the bay based on the basis, but there are inconvenience when one color should be put on a different one, it is necessary to reflect a good.

Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

Here is what Celtic Pattern I turned out in the end.

Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

But how such a patterned block can be used.

Celtic patterns stitched with their own hands

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