Child dress. Model-1.


Hello, masters-needlewomen! According to numerous requests and on their own request, I present you the technology of sewing a simple children's dress for 1 year.

So, we start ... First you will take out the details of the dresses: 1st shelf (1st. With a fold), 2-back (2 children), 3-coil vest (2 children), 4 skirt (2 children. folding), 5-racche for a skirt (4D. with a fold), 6-sleeve (2 children), 7-belt (4 children) oblique beaker from residues, can be solid, carved the scarp. 4cm, in length 30cm. Adhesive for the strength of the seam on the back (can be without it).

Child dress. Model-1.

Glue strips apply (glue to the fabric) on the recess of the back and press the iron. We process the sections of the back, stepping the details back from the top 10-12 cm, wearing the seam on the sides.

Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.

Step the ends of the oblique bey.

Child dress. Model-1.

Child dress. Model-1.

Spit baking process the convex edge of the coquette (I sewed without a coquette), we apply a coquetka to the shelf and 5 ml from the edge add to the shelf. We connect the shoulder seams of the back and the shelves, process, root the seams on the back.

Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.

We process the neck: to retreat from the edge of the Beach 3 cm, on the front side of the faucet, put the neck of the neck of the back, the invented side (I also added sewing) and we turn to the end to the width, we turn to the end, we turn the slam, we sweep the line and carefully closing the line and gently shiver again .

Child dress. Model-1.

We make a clasp.

Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.

I did not sew the coquetka, for the decor on the shelf you can add flowers (twist rosettes) and ribbons, sew a pocket handbag on the darker and dodge the shelter and skirts in the seam. In general, where the fantasy will suffer.

Child dress. Model-1.

Ruffle to skirt Stead 2 children. M / act, the seams are processed. The price of the ruffle is cheating and fell.

Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.

We make a weak line (5 ml from the edge) on the upper cut of the parts of the skirts and the ruffle for the assembly. We charge the ruff and feed the skirt details, do the same with another part of the skirt. We process seams.

Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.

The top of the skirts are sailing and feeding to the shelf and the back, processed the seams.

Child dress. Model-1.

Parts of the belt stack, twist and stop 1 ml from the edge. The belt set to the shelf.

Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.

The bottom of the sleeves take up and process the seam with an open slice (you can process in the pickup). We lay the folds on the days, in the center of the folds are counted! Making a fixing line. We make a weak line for the assembly of the nose of the sleeve, you can stretch the rubber band with an inside. I made an assembly and admonished sewing laying folds. Calculate a bush in the armor (for beginners), and then swing.

Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.

Stead the side seam, process. Shot of the suture of the roar of flipper by 1 ml from the edge of the bending of the seam up (from the inside). I did not pull, but let it be sewing along the seam of the fault of the ruffles, laying the folds. Step the second side seam, process. Making leafs on sleeves and side seams (seams bend and make a line 1 cm up, down). Send buttons. Platier is ready! We look at what we did ...

Child dress. Model-1.
Child dress. Model-1.

Like?! Then, good luck !!!)))

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