Karmic Medicine: Causes of Allergies


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Karmic Medicine: Causes of Allergies
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A few years ago I got carried away Karmic medicine. The reason for this hobby has become acquainted with books Alexander Astroor, Moscow astrologer and psychologist in one person. I was lucky to meet him personally and I was convinced that he was not a charlatan and I on the right track. If you briefly characterize the essence of the cause of the appearance of the disease, then its beginning lies in the spiritual area and saying "all diseases, from nerves" is not at all empty sound! For myself, I firmly learned: 1. The resentment leads to the stomach cancer 2. Hate - to the liver cancer and gallbladder 3. Unresolved problems with men - to cancer of the uterus 4. Unresolved family problems, to the lung cancer 5. Permanent silence of their offensive and complaints - to angina and throat cancer 6. Any fear - to kidney disease, etc. But he was particularly worried at that time allergies, it is not known where he took. And although it continued at me exactly a month - from August 1 to September 1, at the time of flowering, wormwood and cereal crops, but a lot of life poured. I was tortured by constant tearing, swollen nose, sore throat and other unpleasant symptoms. Over time, I learned to cope with it, but still decided to get to the essence. And that's what I "went out": allergic to citrus

This is an allergy to almost all fruits containing vitamin C, - Actually citruses, strawberries, kiwi. Not very understandable from a medical point of view the exception in this row is often becoming a hips and black currant.

But if we take into account mystical attack development of this allergy, then these exceptions will cease to seem incomprehensible.

strong>And the essence of this allergy is that the man suffering from her too much became interested in all foreign and distant, forgetting about his relatives and close. What is connected with his own roots, its ancestors has much less importance for him than the history of other peoples and countries. And this is such a "Ivan, who does not remember" and it happens, as a rule, suffering from this allergy - in fact, allergic to foreign, on imported fruits (less often - vegetables). And our relatives, albeit a similar set of substances, allergies do not cause it. And the best medicine from this allergy will pay more attention to the history of his country, their people, even just their ancestors. Including - and their kitchen, by the way to say. And it seems that simple greens, vegetables, berries (the same currant, including) not worse than foreign "guests" or in taste, nor by their utility. And I realized this, such a person will quickly get the opportunity to not limit his diet and already calmly, without fanaticism, can try any overseas fruit.

Allergy to animals

It often develops from very small children. What is their sin? So far, they are paying for their parents. But not only. Many of the parents of allergy-makers themselves suffer from allergies, but despite this, they simply suppress it with the help of another drug, without removing the animal from home and without thinking over the cause. And when a child appears - they are forced to rush to get rid of a pet. But the matter is completely different!

strong>Allergy that delivers a lot of trouble makes more carefully treat the world around the world.

Allergy to animals is just an indicator that the person struck too little attention to his neighbors. Perhaps - because of love for animals, it is possible not, but he forgets that the Lord commanded to love "the near his own like himself", and every person comes to the concept of nearby! And so, in order to somehow remind such a person about this commandment, he begins allergic.

If he is voluntarily or unwittingly change his behavior - it will gradually come down.

If not - his children will be exposed to her, so that through them he learned more attention to paying the sufferings of others (and after children, you see, and the rest will learn to pay attention!). It is not necessary to part with animals to allergic (especially since it only suggests that this person has never thought about the suffering of others!), And to change himself and its attitude towards people and the world.

Learn to be sensitive and careful to the problems of others like relatives and just familiar. And then after a while you can easily find that you no longer suffer allergies on animals!

Allergy to chocolate and other sweets

In practice, this is an allergy to some of their components, but in the end, a person is deprived of the opportunity to pamper himself with something sweet. And keywords here - "pamper yourself"!

strong>The true cause of such allergies is often the fact that these people love themselves too much, love to indulge themselves and settle. And as a reminder that in the world there are not only the joy that we are not born only to experience pleasure, and "comes" of this kind of allergies. And it is useless to deal with it, it is useless to limit these products and attempt to replace one sweets by others, chocolate - ice cream, baking - fruit. If you go through this path, it will rather lead only to the development of allergies to all new and new products. But the meaning is not in this! It is not that you are more and more forced to limit yourself to those or other products, it is only a symbol, a sign that needs to read and take into account.

And the best medicine will continue to constantly please yourself, and instead to do its spiritual development and growth. Life is given to us in order to achieve something (mainly in the spiritual plan), grow and develop. And to use this, in essence, a rather short period of time should be prescribed, and not a heartlessly diligent it. Otherwise, after death, you have nothing to say to the Almighty in my justification ...

Allergy to dust "She" says "that" cleaning "is necessary not only (and sometimes not so much) to your dwelling, how much your soul. Apparently, it has already accumulated so much a variety of" garbage "that it prevents you from seeing what is true, And what is false. Allergy to fish

This allergy says that this person has already disappeared from God that even a fish (which in early Christianity was one of his characters) his body, given to completely different entities, cannot accept. In particularly severe cases, the smell of fish becomes detrimental for such a person! It is worth it in transport to be not far from someone's bags in which the fish is lying, as he begins to suffer from the most severe attacks of suffocation.


This is a rather gloomy sign that says that if a person does not change anything in himself and in his life, then his life herself will not be long. However, if he understands this sign in time, it will be able to correctly interpret it and take any measures in this direction, this type of allergies disappears easier and faster than many others. Already a few months after the start of work on yourself, visiting the Church, the reading of the Bible and other sacred texts (at least in order to know what is written there at all ...) The person who has not transfered even the smell of fish, can afford to eat a few pieces.

Allergy to pollen

Associated with excessive narcissism and egoism. Narcissism is punished with the help of the same colors, one of which was once turned by a narcissistic young man named Narcissus. These people can advise a little less thinking about themselves, admiring themselves. And also note that there are other people in the world. And they, oddly enough, also worthy of your attention and love! Discover the eyes and the heart of this simple thought, and perhaps the next spring you do not have to suffer during flowering.

Allergy to human hair

The hair has long been a symbol of strength, primarily physical. And this allergy happens to those who are used to solve with the help of power in life. As an option, it will not comprehend the "silo" themselves, and their children, and without the weak and defenseless, reminding such parents that they do not solve all the power of all problems in the world.

The best way to resume to part with this unpleasant allergies - learn how to apply not only fists to solve their problems, but also the mind. Most often it applies, of course, to men. Council and women, and men one - to work your head more, and less hands! Moreover, in the case of women, they themselves suffer more often, if they still continue to persist in the usual way to solve problems, but for men usually "fade" their kids. Apparently, this, more weighty than their own health, the argument is the last thing that can somehow affect them ...


As you can see, the roots of allergies, like many others (if not all) diseases, do not lie in medicine. And they are not among medical manipulations are treated. This converge on all the religions of the world, from Christianity, who considers any disease to consequence sin, to Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine, treating diseases not so much medication as the harmonization of the internal energies of man.

strong>You should not neglect the ancient knowledge, after all, considering the disease with only a physical problem, disposable by ordinary medical manipulations, we have repeatedly convinced in impotence against her. While the experience of numerous healers of antiquity and our time suggests that you can cope with any disease, if you choose the right approach. Allergy in this sense is no exception!


Karmic Medicine: Causes of Allergies
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I wish you and your loved ones!

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