How to score a nail?


How to score a nail?
Chronicles of clogging nail (humor to weekend).

9:00 - Suddenly, there was a desire to hang a picture on the wall. The desire was further aggravated by the fact that we were constantly taped by flashers. As it turned out, to fulfill the desire it is necessary (and enough) to drive into the wall of a nail.

9:15 - Suitable on the necessary qualities of the nail at hand and in the pockets were not found. Because most often come across sevenhym. But we do not refrigerate on the wall hang. Found more subtle, but they are more designed to feed the flies to Darts.

9:30 - Opened beer on the jar and began to think the situation. Wagon offered to shoot a hole in the wall and insert a pencil there instead of a nail. Unfortunately, this option is not suitable for us - no pistol.

9:35 - We continue to drink beer. My idea was born to glue the picture to the wall.

10:00 - Experiments have shown that, unfortunately, PVA glue does not hold the picture. The remnants of glue (half-liter) were thrown into the window. Let the pigeons peck.

10:10 - Strange screams come from the street. Look out the window. As it turned out, a glue bottle fell to a child in a stroller. A smart child diluted the lid and played in the full program. Behind this occupation and caught a milf, who was rented scratching the tongue with grandmothers on the bench.

10:27 - We drink beer and make a list of Sousseks, in which we will smoke.

10:49 - Dip the box with cigars. Since a big deal begins with a big smash, we decided to start scarbon.

11:23 - Cigar bugs on the street decided not to throw away, in order to avoid excesses and reproaches in the fact that we are whining the younger generation. We started tossing Soussekov.

11:31 - found forceps for taming sugar. Apparently, they are from the "Young Inquisitor" set. But we donated the honorary mission of the experimental rabbit, and to invite a neighbor - lazy.

11:42 - In the buffet among the dishes and grocery reserves, a cheerful hamster has been discovered. And we have been looking for it for all four corners. So that the hamster life does not seem too fresh, staged a hamster run with barriers.

12:05 - found an inflatable crocodile. I inflated it with a bike pump and sniffed in the bath as a boat. Along the way, there was a small discussion "if pink crocodiles are."

12:30 - checked the refrigerator. Nails, as expected, there is no, but there is beer.

12:46 - Found the Iron "Muss-Tango" in the closet. On the box inscription "Developed Power - 1.5 horsepower." They did not check the word, believed on their own words.

12:53 - Calculated the search results: bruised legs - 10, hands - 5. Nails found - zero. Some kind of gloomy statistics.

12:55 - Climbed to Mezlesol. Asked the stairs and climbed. We are not climbers-highs to use ice guards. Only here the staircase fell. Together with the cabinet. Well, not on foot.

13:07 - The cabinet was raised, attached to him the backup and climbed again. The wardrobe fell again, but in the other direction.

13:11 - The cabinet was raised and knocked off the "crutches" to the wall.

13:14 - climbed to the mezzanine. There is no interesting there. Nails - too. But there is something similar to the knitting needles.

13:19 - Fuck the knitting needles and played a couple of parties in Darts. Ski the knitting needles became lazy, so we just bent them.

13:27 - Suddenly thought: Do Plumbes use nails in their farm? Called plumbing. The tube does not take. So drinks. Infection. It's time to coding his hose.

13:32 - Poured beer with chips. Thought what to do next. Put bags from the chips and slammed them. They slammed that flew past the dove with fright flew into a neighbor window.

13:42 - They called the store "Stroytali with delivery." They have nails. Even with a gold and platinum hat. When they found out how much the carnail delivery costs, they advised them to shove this nail to the place of the dislocation "Tampax". In response, they said that a nail could be delivered for free, but with two professional couriers, and a shared warhead in a nail. We are offended and hung on such rudeness.

13:48 - We think about the situation by taking a beer on the throat jar. Played a dozen parties in the game "Amazing travels of a red hat with a cake to grandmother", which was found on the mezzanine. For grandmother played in turn.

14:20 - According to the results of the game, they made netbags.

14:23:59 - Started search work in the corridor. Because of the tightness, it is necessary to work in extreme conditions. They recorded themselves an additional dose of beer for harm.

14:26 - found in the old boot of the second hamster. I wonder where the second hamster came from, if we bought only one? It will be necessary to arrange hamsters wrestling so that their life is not boring and prone to obesity.

14:40 - According to the results of searches in the corridor, it can be said: In addition to the sneakers of other nails, it is not detected. But there were dust. Next time we will use gas masks. And flippers.

14:51 - Roasted crayfish to beer. As they say, the case is time, and fun - a special honor and attention. From work even wolves bend tail.

14:59:59 - Vovka Pleated. Barely managed to fly to destination.

15:03 - A cry came from the toilet, I have frozen beer in the veins. Something happened there ... 15:03:09 - I broke like a whirlwind in the toilet and almost badly embarrassed by the door, so he got rid of light bruises and fright. As it turned out, in the toilet in the cabinet there was a box with nails, just the necessary caliber.

15:06 - Drinks on the jar of beer and arranged joyful dances.

15:11 - Needed neighbors from below and said that they do not need a pendulum Fouco instead of a chandelier, but they are willing to settle this question with the help of a mop and reinforced wire from Torshar. Dance had to stop.

15:14 - the hammer did not find. Tried to score a nail to the fist. But it turned out that the fist for such shares is not intended.

15:22 - Tried to score a nail bedside. Uncomfortable. Constantly falling in a nail, but somewhere else. In addition, she is heavy. Tried to use the vacuum cleaner. The same nonsense.

16:01 - We must go to the neighbors for hammer tools. I will not go to the neighbor on the left. There is no desire to collect pigeons feathers throughout the apartment. And pigeon ballast - too.

16:02 - Right to the door to the neighbor on the right. When he opened the door, we realized that in vain called. The neighbor loaded with vodka so that he was evenhed to wash. How he managed to stand on the legs - completely incomprehensible.

16:05 - The upper neighbors left for some kind of cottage there, and they decided not to walk to the ground. Health is more expensive nail.

16:07 - I tried to score a nag by a kettle. The nail was not injured, but a nice hole appeared in the kettle. Purified the kettle in the window, as it does not represent further value.

16:14 - In the courtyard, the fight for our kettle among the kids. So that they do not interfere with their tremendous screams, they offered them a contest "who will further throw a bag with garbage." Bag with garbage, as sponsorship, they kindly provided we. The winner gets everything - and garbage, and the kettle.

16:39 - reinforced the fastest strength by five stews with beer. Empty banks, like not representing collection values, thrown out the window.

16:45 - arranged a small brainstorm. Several distracts the fight of pigeons and grooves for tin cans.

16:53 - the janitor came and began to plush birds with broom. Because they do not give him to sleep.

17:08 - It is good that we did not throw out the "details" from the crayfish eaten. Assembled cancers back and played them in the "soldiers". To stimulate strategic thinking.

17:17 - An idea appeared to score the nail horns. Unfortunately, unscrewing the moose horns from the wall failed - twisted for three conscience. While they tried to unscrew the horns, flippers fell from the closet.

17:23 - The nail scored with flippers. In turn - Vovik of one lasto, and I -Or.

17:36 - I hung the picture. Side, drink a five-liter beer bank and rejoice in life. From the site:

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