How to make a simple smokehouse for giving


How to make a simple smokehouse for giving

Skewers, chicken, duck, baked potatoes, salad from just assembled vegetables - such standard, but extremely delicious and always desired dishes on the table of any avid dachanik or a simple citizen who arrived on vacation. All this can be done if there will be a full-fledged stationary smokehouse. Build your own smokehouse in the country or in rural areas is not at all difficult. It is about this that we will talk further.

Initially, you need to choose a place for your smokehouse. It should be far from buildings and plants, since there are very frequent cases of fires associated with the swollen flame.

Also right away should be approximately measuring the place for the underground chimney. Channel length - up to 300 cm, width - 35 cm (with a brick 53 cm), and height - 25-27 cm.

When all primary measurements are made, it is worth determining the material. It is worth useing precisely the usual clay brick, since synthetic materials during the burning of firewood will be distinguished by the health of the substance.

The next step is measurements for the smokehouse, in which the long-awaited lunch or dinner will prepare. The recommended chamber area is not more than one square meter, and the height should not exceed 145-150 cm. In the case with a smokehouse, the list of suitable materials is expanding. You can use both brick and a simple metal barrel.

After all measurements and preparations are made, the workshop will come. First dig a place for the smoke channel. If you have chosen a place on the hill, the channel must be above the alleged smoke chamber. Next should lay the brick on the edge, that is, the full construction of the walls of the channel.

To create additional strength it is better to use the clay mortar. When both walls of the channel are ready, it must be covered. For this, a brick or a conventional metal sheet with a thickness of 4-5 mm can be seated.

When work on the channel ended, proceed to the construction of a smoking chamber. It is immediately necessary to recall that the channel should enter a 20 cm chamber, otherwise the smoke yield will not be timely.

Depending on the foundation you choose for the camera, you will need to prepare a barrel with a remote bottom or to build a brick smokehouse. The upper part of the chamber is a place to smoke products. To hold products, you can use conventional metal bars with a diameter of 30 mm.

Finally, it is necessary to prepare the flap of steel to overlap the excess exit of smoke and heat. Here a metal sheet is perfectly suitable for a thickness of 4 mm.

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