Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)


Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)
Pour candles

Here is already ready wick, it's time to fill. We will need an ordinary cans. It will have a little to surpassed to form a kind of nose. This is necessary in order to make it easier for the process of pouring molten material.

Pre-harvested form is better lubricated with a thin layer of dishwashing liquid or simple vegetable oil. And then, and another tool is equally good.

In the bank we need to fold the chips of the candles (the candles should be the same in quality). If we are going to make a paraffin or wax candle, you can take a saucepan or bucket for the melt, which is not very sorry. In any case, this container should be placed in that pan, which will be used as a water bath. In principle, you can use everything you like, in addition to glass dishes.

So, we fill with water with water, boil water, and after immersing the capance with wax or paraffin there. So our material will melt.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

When the material and chips were completely melted, you can start the pouring of the candle.

The bottom of our molds poured wax, let me cool. Do not hurry to immediately pour the whole form, otherwise, through the hole in the bottom there can be a lot of wax or paraffin. We fill with layers, what flowed, re-send to the smelting. When already candle is completely filled, it needs to be cooled. The temperature should be room.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

Many at this point allow mistake: trying to speed up the process of cold, placing the candle in the freezer. In this case, it can grow unevenly.

This is not critical if we pour a candle "upside down". If you use another method, you should leave a little wax, in order to fill the recesses next to the phylet. And after drying, they will definitely appear.

When the candle temperature is already equal to the temperature of the room, you need to unleash the nodules on the bottom of the form. At this moment, we remove the product itself, carefully pulling the wick.

If it does not work, it can be cut. Or put it for a minute in the refrigerator, and then for a few seconds to substitute hot water.

After that, we cut an extra part of the wick, leaving the tip in 1 cm. If we have ugly sutures, they can be removed with hot water. But with these manipulations, the candle can be poisoned, the shine can fill it. Therefore, the optimal solution will choose a candle form that does not contain seams.

Aromasveti with their own hands

Make aromatic candles with their own hands quite real. In particular, it is worth making those who are a real fan of aromatherapy. In order for you to get exactly the aroma, before casting into the wax you need to add any essential oils. The choice of oil depends on your taste: you can add any oils, except that the pink take is not worth it. After all, his smell when burning will be suffocating, severe.

It is great if the decor of the aromasvea will correspond to the plant whose oil we use. For example, taking the lavender oil as the basis of aroma, pink or lilac dyes should prevail in the candle decor.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

Using laurel oil or mint, decorate the candle is better green shades.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

Vanilla or cinnamon will be organic in warm, beige-brown candle tones.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

Not only oils can make your candle aromatic, ordinary coffee is a strong and pleasant flavor.

In principle, to achieve the fragrance of the candle is not so difficult. Aromatic oils are added to paraffin, wax or gel. And then the process of manufacturing an aromatic candle is no different from creating a conventional candle.

We advise experimenters to mix oils: an unusual bouquet of flavors is guaranteed. If you are afraid to "start" and synthesize the incompatible smells, look at the recipes of perfume. Follow their instructions, just do not add rose oil.

Gel candles

Now let's talk about how to make gel candles with your own hands. In order for us to get gel candles, it is better to use ready-made gel wax. On packaging with him, the formulation of candles creation is often written, it can be used.

The same who is accustomed to do it yourself, can help the following recipe:

  • 5 g gelatin
  • 2 g Tanina
  • 20 ml of water
  • 35 ml glycerol

First, we need to dissolve the tannin in glycerin in the heating process. We continue to heal by adding glycerol and gelatin to the residues. In the resulting transparent solution, add water. The mixture is brought to a boil. Some clouding of the solution should not be frightened: soon it will disappear. While the water is not entirely evaporated, you need to boil the solution.

And then pour the mixture into a glass form with refractory characteristics. When combustion, the candles do not emit odor and smoke, obtained transparent.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

In gel candles, you can also add essential oil, it does not contradict the recipe. Separate, especially pleasant process, decoration of gel candles. At the bottom of any transparent capacitance, freely labeled decorative elements: beads, beads, pebbles, seashells, sequins, coffee grain, dry plants or flowers. Then pour everything with gel transparent wax. It seems such a candle is simply incredible: transparent, gentle, with a magical pattern inside.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

Coffee Candles

Decorative candles make it no particular difficulty. For example, you can make the original coffee candle. Decor - naturally, grain coffee. The principle of operation is: in a large form inserted small. Between the walls of the two forms, you need to float the coffee grains, and after pouring them with a candle mass.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

As soon as the mass with coffee grains froze, the walls need to be blown up with a hot hairdryer. Thanks to this, extra paraffin stalks, coffee grains will be clearly visible.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

Here is the outer layer with coffee grains. We put it back into the form, pour from the inside paraffin / wax of another color.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

Coffee candles can be like:

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

In the same way, marine candles can be made: instead of the grains, there will be pebbles or seashells. As an option - transparent gel candles with small pebbles or cakes.

Candle decoration options

How else can you decorate a candle created with your own hands? The first way to give your candle originality is to use unusual, unexpected forms. Sometimes an interesting form can be advantageous even the most skilled decor. Wonderful element of candle decor - a different kind of glass stands.

In a specialized store you can find special stickers for the decor. Or decoupage is a great way to decorate candles. By the way, professional candles are very fashionable in the medium. Most often, napkins are used as the basis of decoupage. Do not forget about safety technician: Use special varnish for candles.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

For lovers of the original decor, the following option is suitable:

Before the fill on the edges of the form, spread the shells, pieces of dried fruit, cinnamon, seeds, dried flowers. Or let it be coffee grains in the ensemble with rhinestones and beads. But in the latter case, it will be more appropriate to talk about the decoration of the finished product: decorative elements we insert into the sweatary paraffin / wax.

Already frozen candle can be placed by bamboo or cinnamon sticks. You can add stars of Badyan or all the same coffee pieces. It will be a beautiful decoration for aromasuals.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

If you use dried plants (or any other decorative elements capable of becoming flammable), the wick candle should be thin, so that the candle melted only in the middle.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

In principle, if you have the opportunity to seek material into specialized stores, there you will get a lot of useful funds. For example, markers and contours are sold there, they are not burning, and during the purification of wicks are melted along with wax / paraffin.

Do not want to collect old candle flames - use paraffin balls or a candle gel. In specialized stores you can find even ready-made phytilites (with a metal holder). For floating candles, you can purchase specially designed wax.

Secrets of making candles with their own hands: from wax to gel (2/2)

Today, the fantasy of a creative person is almost uncomfortable: the prices for materials for the manufacture of candles "do not bite", the process is fascinating and not so much, as it may seem. Having created one day a beautiful candle with your own hands, you are unlikely to refuse yourself the pleasure of experimenting more.

And for inspiration, we suggest you watch a wonderful video master class about creating carved candles

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