Plastic Bottles Furniture


The Internet:

And again, plastic bottles for furniture designs are recommended to use 2 liter.

The essence of the process in gluing the bottles of scotch with sufficient pressure. Then parts will be durable, which is necessary when applying furniture not only in decorative, but also for practical purposes.

The 16-part fragment is connected to others until the desired size is reached.

Single bed will require approximately 750 bottles. Double up to 1500.

For a sofa for two places, about 500 bottles will be required. For armchair - 250.

Since the product is in pristine form does not differ aesthetic, it is better to sew a cover according to your taste.

Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture
Plastic Bottles Furniture

Plastic Bottles Furniture

Plastic Bottles Furniture

Plastic Bottles Furniture

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