Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit


I suggests you to apply tea sets from newspaper tubes. They are convenient to store tea bags, and a mass of all kitchen trivia, and can be used as a silence for flowers. The tubes can be painted in white and with a napkin to perform a decoupage. Ideas - Mass, it all depends on your desire and mood.

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit
Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

To obtain green tubes, they can be painted with a solution of greenf.

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

To start work, you will need 8 tubes. Fold them as shown below

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Add one tube and start taking off counterclockwise

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Having finished weave the bottom, take any form for the soaring. Use clothespins for convenience

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

For a saucer add tubes, as shown in the photo

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Shake them and finish the saucer

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Ends of the tubes hide, using scissors

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Add two tubes and weave the handle.

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Pleasant tea drinking!

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

Weaving from newspapers. Tea kit

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