10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)



4. From Foroon

Soft house For the cat, with their own hands requires separate attention. Here you can not only create a comfortable and warm corner for a pet, but also to show a fantasy with decoration and in the process of designing a house. For the manufacture of such soft facilities, materials will be required:

  • any dense fabric, you can take contrasting shades;
  • Porolon, preferably thoroughly so that the cat is gently and cozy;
  • sewing machine;
  • Pins and other sewing parts for fastening;
  • Threads.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Soft house for a cat

To sew a house for a cat with your own hands, do the following:

  1. Describe the design of the structure, "sawing" to composite parts, each of which should be transferred to the newspaper or paper - it will flow the future pattern.

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  2. Transfer them to fabric and foam rubber. Taking into account the allowances of 1-1.5 cm cut all the details: each pattern accounts for one piece of foam rubber and two of the fabric.

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  3. Fold all parts in the sequence: foam rubber, top fabric face up, on her fabric face down.

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  4. Purge all the edges of the typewriter, leaving the bottom edge, which will serve as a joint to the floor.

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  5. Remove all the details, straighten the corners well and join the seams with an iron.

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  6. "From the inside" the house is sewing all the composite elements on the typewritten, the latter is sewn.

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

On this, the manufacture of a soft house for his favorite is over. You can experiment with flowers, making up a blank from distinctive shades.

In this video will show how to make a soft house for a cat.

5. Wooden

Construction of a wooden house for a cat with their own hands assumes the existence of work skills with wood and other tools. It can be used at home or install on the street like familiar booths for dogs. Of course, this is necessary only in the warm season.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

House of plywood

To begin with, it is necessary to design the entire design and make blanks from the boards, pre-echriving them.

Some masters make such houses using wooden plates, which allows you to create quite interesting and somewhat complicated structures. So you can meet Street house For a cat with a staircase, a veranda, carved roof and other attributes like an old Russian hut.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Street house

From the inside the house is covered with water-repellent material, and then processed outside protective against rot and mold formation. Here you can handle the entire house with Olifa, varnish or just paint paint, creating an unsurpassed design.

After all chemical solutions are weathered, you can lay the cushion and call it on the housewarming.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Wooden house for cat

6. Built in furniture

Enterprising owners of what will not come up with, and often adapt already existing furniture for cozy asylum.

You can turn into a feline house with the following furniture items:

  • Tumba or small locker (bedside), cutting a hole-pass in the door;

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  • The sofa, attaching cardboard or tissue-tunnels to it, or put on the side of the shelf with a sunbed;

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  • Bookcase, attaching a staircase so that the cat could get to her before the top and there is hiding there;

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  • Table or chair, securing a tissue soft hammock under it;

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  • table by making an additional lower shelf with a sunbed, pillow;

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  • open shelves of cabinets, setting on them sun beds or low baskets, boxes;

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

  • Shelves for colors, rejecting the bottom shelf for a pet, and the top for flowers.

    10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

For such transfigurations, uncomplicated tools will be required to be in any house:

  • Scissors, needle with thread;
  • hammer, nails;
  • screwdriver, screws;
  • Lobzik (manual or electric);
  • glue, stapler for furniture.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

House for a cat from a chair

7. Wigwam do it yourself

Fresh and provocative looks Vigwam's house . At home, it is possible to build it quickly and easily from cardboard or fabric.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Wigwam for Cat from Cardboard

The following materials will be required:

  1. Rods or branches 6 pieces - Frame base. The upper ends are fastened together, the lower parts are widely placed in different directions for stability.
  2. Scotch or rope - To secure the rod.
  3. Cardboard - Rodyshko Wigwam. A hexagon is cut and covered with a cloth (the best water repellent).
  4. Glue or needle with thread - To fasten the fabric.
  5. the cloth - Covering into 6 isced triangles, in one of which is made a slot for the entrance.

Parts of the material are crosslinking among themselves so that in the seam between pieces of fabric it was possible to insert a rod. The frame is inserted into the stitched tent, and the lower edges of the material are sewn to the bottom of the cardboard base.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Wigwam for cat fabric

8. Kogtetchka

Kogttechka is an important and necessary attribute, it must be used from the first days of the appearance of a pet.

It will save furniture and walls in integrity. The exact claws, domestic loves thus processes them, retains in full combat readiness.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Cattakers for the cat

REFERENCE. The claw point is also associated with the game and the removal of stress through physical exertion.

And in this video, you can get acquainted with one way to make a catbathing for the cat with your own hands.

9. Lena

Lenhing for the cat It can be made of cardboard, newspaper tubes, foam rubber. The form of this place for recreation is selected in accordance with the size of the cat or its preferences in the rest.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Lenhing for a cat from an old sweater

Some are preparing laying the similarity of the existing interior in the apartment. The main thing is to provide your favorite and warmth. Therefore, do not forget about the use of foam rubber, soft tissue and other textile materials.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Soft Fabric Lena

10. For kitten

The kitten's house is also needed as for an adult cat. Here It is better to build a real game complex , if possible, completing it with soft attributes - a place to relax and overnight.

Also for the kitten you can build ordinary House-sleeve which is attached to the wall at a small height from the floor, so that the kitten can climb it yourself.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

House-sleeve for kitten

Large and laborious in the manufacture of wooden structures are better not to apply.

Firstly, The house for the kitten should not be "on the grow" . Otherwise, the little cub will not show interest to him, because he will be uncomfortable in it.

Secondly, after a few months there will have to build a new home that requires a lot of time and effort. It is better to give preference to weaving their newspaper tubes or cardboard blanks.

The first house for kittens is usually a big box in which they appear on the light and contain the first month of life.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Simple house for kitten out of box

Instructions for creating a cotton house contains the following steps:

  • take Cardboard box , for example, from vacuum cleaner or microwave, the main thing is that it is high enough so that the kittens do not jump out of it;
  • Show bottom with water-repellent material , for example, glued and tissue, or ordinary children's absorbent diapers, as the baby still has to learn to go to the tray;
  • If his mother lives with a kitten, then the entrance for her is cut in the house , at such an altitude, so that the baby can not bother to him;
  • make a roof - from fabric or cardboard (just fix on the stationery clips).

Another option of the first shelter can serve Shoe box - In her, a small pet will like to sleep and hide. She will serve as long as the crumb will grow up. The bottom covers with a soft cloth, the cover does not close.

The next place of rest can be Soft Lenhing Or Pillow.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

Soft Lenhing for Kitten

The main difference between the children's house from an adult is a small size and short service life First, because the animal is growing, and secondly, the kittens still do not know how to go to the toilet in the tray, which leads to the dissent of the same cardboard.

10 ways to please your favorite fluffy - make a house for a cat do it yourself (2/2)

House for a kitten from an old suitcase

Do not forget to take care of the absence of drafts that are so dangerous for the baby, especially in the cold season.


Each cat is individual, has its own character and its own characteristics. This applies to the selection of a house. To please your pet, you need to study his habits and preferences, and, based on them, choose which structure it is better to build. Building a house for a cat with your own hands is not only a technical process, but also a cheerful occupation that unites the whole family.

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