Delicious Chebureks! Just sodium!


I do not know, you can upload food here or not, but I decided to risk. I want to share with you delicious Chebureca. It turns out soft and juicy.

Recipe Recipe

For dough:

3-4 cups of flour

1 egg

350 ml of water

Paul teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons kefir

2 tablespoons of sunflower oil

For filling:

Mince (300-400 grams) can of course take more.

2 heads of the bunch

Paul teaspoon salt

Pepper (to taste)

kefir 3-4 tablespoons

Pieces of butter.


We pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sunflower oil. We put a saucepan on the stove. And we wait when our water boils. Next, we pour the floor with a glass of flour. And immediately begin to interfere with a spoon, trying to get rid of lumps. Silent with plate removing. Let us cool the mixture. How cool down, add an egg. Stir again. By adding the rest of the flour, knead the soft dough that should not stick to the hands. Purge the dough with a towel. And let us stand within 1 hour. You can less.

Wear a filling:

Lay out mince to a plate, then chopped finely onions, kefir, salt, before. All thoroughly mix.

On the table pour flour. Pull the dough. Roll thinly, but so that the dough does not break down. With the help of the plate cut the circles. We lay out mince, put on the minced stuffing a piece of butter. Close neat. Fork, press the edge. Once again, we will pass the rolling gently. All, put our Cheburek in hot oil. Fry on both sides, to a golden crust.

Here are my Chebureks:

Delicious Chebureks! Just sodium!

I hope someone will come in handy.

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