"Glazing" veranda cellular polycarbonate.


The house was made with an open veranda, it was so conceived. Autumn came and it became uncomfortable to eat in the wind.

I wanted not changing the overall design to do what it would be possible to close and open the veranda. The windows are not suitable by constructive.

I had to take a pencil and think a little at leisure.

The solution was found rather quickly. We prohibit the easiest and fairly durable material - cellular polycarbonate.

This design looks like now. (Windows is already worth 5 years and withstood all winds and frosts and heat. Made the doorway in one day in August 2012) did not have time to kill a couple of boards, as I want to make a visor.

All parts of the window rise up and hide the upper part. You can open the union, as you want. You can lower the lower part, whatever the cats run, you can upper.

We look at the picture below

The veranda turned out to be very warm. Sit very comfortable. From the inside looks like that

Now where the windows sections are leaving, look below. (in the picture above all 4 sections)

And everything is done simple. We buy "sh" a figurative profile (2m about 200r) and "H" a figurative profile (also, about 200r 2m), which will be an amplifier of sections.

We buy polycarbonate 4mm- enough strength. If you consider that it is not enough, then buy a profile and polycarbonate more. The principle will not change.

We screw down the "W" profile profile by Samores "Patay", having previously made the sinking in the profile, so that the hats would not stick to the way. Do not look at incomprehensible dirt in the profile. This is a lytol 24-lubricant, so that everything is well slid in sled.

If there is not enough profile length, then it can be connected (increasing). The joints will not interfere, since the width in the profile is 5 mm, and the polycarbonate is 4mm.

We look below.

Sections are recorded by conventional self-drawing, which serve as a support. Soon there is a little altered them for beauty.

At the top (when you remove the section) there is a retainer - this is the usual loop from the door. We raise the sections and fix.


Switch width 1M60cm.

Compound Amplifier and polycarbonate opening fix with any sealant. Square of contact is big - not to pop up!

Remember! This is protection against wind and bad weather, not a metal door from thieves!

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