Cockdham - Japanese art (master class)


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Cockdham - Japanese art (master class)
I decided on your site to share your hobby - cockdabs. This art is akin to Bonsai and originated as well in Japan, but much younger bonsai. Translated "Cocking" from Chinese (despite the fact that this direction in Japan originated) as a "moss ball". Invented his peasants who were used to create a cockdhae peat, earth with rice fields, moss and growing at hand. The art of Bonsai was considered noble and only representatives of the nobility could be engaged, while the peasants did not have the opportunity to acquire expensive plates for bonsai, so they came out in this way from this situation - they did their "bonsai". That is why Cockdham in Asia nicknamed "Bonsai Poor" :))))

In Asian countries, there are Cocks Schools and each wizard has its own dust recipe for cockdad, their tricks and technology. But in fact, Cockdham can make anyone with his own hands and, unlike the noble art of Bonsai in Cocking, there are no hard rules, and it is most often used non-wood cultures, but herbaceous plants (due to the lack of a row as such in the cockdame is difficult to form a tree as such as This is done in the bonsai, but this does not mean that you cannot use wood cultures in a cockdame and form them in a free style). In Asia, Cockdam exhibitions are held annually, while in Russia they didn't even hear, and sorry :(

Well, in fact, how to make a cockdham how with your own hands (and then most of the topics in the group are created purely boast or not a word about how and that I don't want to close your topic in a similar way):

I. Ingredients and tools:

one. Black peat keto - Japanese black peat enriched clay. It is extremely difficult to get it and expensive, so we will replace it on a mixture of the rigoric peat and black cosmetic clay. Peat Take the rod - there is a low ash content in it, you can buy it in a flower shop. Black cosmetic clay is sold in pharmacies in small boxes (in Moscow costs 25-30 rubles per box) and is designed to compile face masks. Clay and peat We will need equal parts, but about it later. And so we have two ingredients instead of one:

- Horse peat;

- Black cosmetic clay;

2. Granulated soil for Bonsai Acadama . Of course you can replace it with garden land, but I still recommend using Akadam. Akadama is sold in stores of trading bonsai, soils for bonsai and tools for bonsai. In Moscow, in the VVC in the pavilion, Geology has such grounds on sale (or ask to share Academa your acquaintances with you who are engaged in Bonsai).

3. Moss Sfagnum . Well, this component is simple to find enough to look into any flower shop selling soils for indoor plants. It is better to gain a sphagnum on nature - no shop drying with it will be compared in quality (I have thrown out a few sphagnum packages, because there was a pipe without stalks, and in other half the package molded from rotting leaves and branches).

four. Green Moss. . This moss will cover the cockdad from above. It can be freed in the forest and parks. Try to tear the same moss (several types of moss can grow (in the same place, which are visually different and that the future cockpit does not look with a glued one from different pieces - the moss is better to take the same). However, it is possible to cover the curdham to it with green moss, and use the winding of a beautiful non-burning twenty, but moss closer to nature and we often want a piece of forest in her windowsill or desktop.

five. Plants . Well, the fantasy is limitless. Plants can be from one to .... how much will fit into the cocks of the cockdam, you can also create compositions with several plants. Ferns are best suitable, and moisture-boring plants (if a green moss is used, which requires wet soil and spraying) and shadowless (green moss can not be exhibited on a bright straight sun) or even succulent (if green moss is not used).

6. Cotton threads (It is 100% cotton, because it rotates without a residue) of any color if there is a green moss or under the color of sphagnum or under the color of decorative twine.

7. Lesk . Fishing rack thickness 0.24 mm will be enough.

eight. Scissors;

nine. Tazik or bowl in which the soil will suffer.

10. Capacity for soaking sphagnum;

11. Capacity for soaking acadama.

12. Couple hours of free time (actually less).

Who does not want to make hands with a soil - acquire gloves in advance (better surgical - it is easier to work with a thread and a fishing line).

II. Preparatory work.

1. Green moss well rinse from the remnants of the soil and garbage. It is better to do this in distilled water - so moss will not accumulate salts in itself, and the chloride does not most best affect the moss. After washing, put moss in a sealed container or in the tray and close the lid (or the food film).

2. Akadamum needs to soak on a day in distilled or stretched water. It is not necessary to rinse or clean. Before making a cokedma, we merge the water and give Acadam to dry a couple of hours.

Cockdham - Japanese art (master class)
III. Cooking Cockdham.

1. We put the sphagnum to be soared into a separate container, while we will do the soil (it is impossible to work with dry sphagnum - it is brittle and litter).

2. Mix the ground from the upper peat, black cosmetic clay and acadama in proportion 2: 2: 3. If the desired plants like ferns are planned, then you can take another recipe: riding peat, black cosmetic clay, sliced ​​sphagnum, acadama in proportion 1: 2: 1: 3. There are no restrictions here and you can use a meloned pine bark, and vermiculitis and perlite and zeolite and all that you want and you consider the best for your plants, but note that the recipes presented by me are checked and they hold the form. Pulling water into the basin and constantly stirring the soil bring our mixture to a state of soft plasticine.

3. Clean the roots of our plants from the ground and wind by small sphagnum.

4. Around the roots of plants begin to blind soil;

5. Give the shape of the ball, tightly squeezing with your hands (and in order to form a ball and to seal the earth com and remove air).

6. We put a bowl with a plant on a flat solid surface and slightly pressed to get a flat bottom. On this work with the soil ended.

7. We take off the sphagnum sphagnum, slightly press and turn the root of the soil. I recommend not to greed with a sphagnum (later I will explain why) - try to lay the sphagnum layer after tias the thread was not thinner than 1.5 cm! Otherwise, the ground will dry quickly.

8. Wrap a ball over sphagnum thread, tightly attracting sphagnum to the surface of the soil. Do not skimp on the thread too - the more turns - the ball will be more dense, which means it will make a green moss more tightly. The thread does not necessarily lead through the center - enough around the edges from the barrels of plants to go from above and diagonally down.

9. We open the ball on top of the sphagnum with pieces of green moss and turn everything on a fishing line, after which the fishing line blast several knots somewhere. The fact that the fishing line is visible - nothing terrible, because The layer of green moss will grow up and closes the line from the eye.

10. We put the finished cockdham for 20-40 minutes into water (the water must completely cover the ball), and then at a permanent place of residence. The pallet is better to use deep - so MHA will always have water.

Cockdham - Japanese art (master class)
IV. Cocking Cock Mock:

one. Watering: Once a week by diving by 20 minutes of the ball into distilled water, follow the week to be water in the pallet.

2. Spraying: Moss loves water, so try to spray the surface of the ball often.

3. A haircut: Periodically (once every 2 weeks) cut a slightly moss - so it will grow thicker, the plants cut as necessary.

four. Fertilizer: Sheet fertilizer by spraying (leaf feeding) every 2 weeks. It is better to use fertilizer for orchids - there are no lime in it (Moss will appreciate it).

For those who are better to see once, they rather read a hundred times - here, actually, video of the master class, but should warn - the video lasts almost 2 hours! (But all the steps "from and to").

For those who live in Moscow and does not have the opportunity to make a cockdhame or does not have time for it, but at the same time it really wants to have such a piece of nature: they are sold to me for sale, because they write personal messages - we agree :))))

Everyone interested in the answer to the question "Does your photos or Inetovskiy?" - I answer: photos are made by me personally and on them my cockdads.

I recommend visit My canal on YouTube And it is better to subscribe to it to receive notifications about my new video. On the Channel In addition to the video recordings of this master class, there is a master class of making a pendant moss ball for orchids, video recording received Cocks, including Cockdham from aquarium plants (here is just possible), video recording of my experiments in the area of ​​room color, aquariums and terrariumstics. All pleasant viewing!

With respect,

Alexey Zagrebal (Moscow)

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