House repair with your own hands. Repair work, continued ... Summer 2012


Good day! With you again, I, but this time not with my "masterpieces" ...

December 15, 2011. Introduced you with my theme: "House repair with your own hands, outdoor work." We stopped at that under all corners of the house were installed concrete stands with fittings laid in them, for a bundle with a future foundation and plastic windows are inserted.

This summer was flooded with a foundation and a brickwork for the foundation outside is made.

House repair with your own hands. Repair work, continued ... Summer 2012

House repair with your own hands. Repair work, continued ... Summer 2012

It is clearly visible to the right side of the house. The foundation is poured.

House repair with your own hands. Repair work, continued ... Summer 2012

This snapshot shows a remote rotten brave. Well-preserved brices are wrapped in Todly, before the fill of the foundation. This is the front of the house, at the end there is a flooded foundation that connected with last year's couches (angular and median).

House repair with your own hands. Repair work, continued ... Summer 2012

This is how the winding of good logs was underway, fucked by a stapler for furniture and nails ...

The foundation was poured on both sides of the house, outside and from the inside (the floors are opened).

House repair with your own hands. Repair work, continued ... Summer 2012

Here it is clearly visible ready, the fondamation of the front of the house ...

House repair with your own hands. Repair work, continued ... Summer 2012

And this I try to make a masonry brick (the first time in my life), of course, not without the help of the second half and wonderful grandchildren !!!

House repair with your own hands. Repair work, continued ... Summer 2012

I also want to share with you my big joy ... The local administration has finally expressed a desire to assist us in strengthening the banks of the river, over the cliff of which is my home ... Thank you very much, who gave me useful tips in strengthening the coast and participates in View my creative works and inspires me to new ideas. The inner finish of the second room is not yet completed - it will be a kitchen and a bathroom. I will say with you with your achievements later ... Thank you for visiting my page !!! Waiting for critics and a little praise, of course ...

Gives roses
Shut air kiss

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