Elegant jacket with tie shelves


This jacket is from a pleasant to the body of a flowing yarn long singled shelves, which allows you to tie them on the belt.

Elegant jacket with tie shelves


36/38 (40/42) 44/46

You will need

Yarn (70% viscose, 30% of merino wool; 300 m / 50 g) - 150 (200) 200 g sulfur; Spokes number 3,5 and 4; Hook number 3,5.

Patterns and schemes

Facial smooth

Facial rows - facial loops, invalible rows - invalous loops.

Openwork pattern

The number of loops is multiple 12 + 1 p. + 2 edges.

Knit according to the scheme. Only facial rows are given on it. In the wrong rows, all hinges and nakida to squeeze out. Start 1 edge and loops before the rapport, then constantly repeat the rapport, finish loops after the rapport and 1 edge.

Height is constantly repeated 1-10rd rows.

Attention! During the additions and lifting bursts, monitor the balance of nakida and pricious loops.

Elegant jacket with tie shelves


The number of set-down loops is multiple 11.

Knit crocheted circular rows according to the circuit 2. In the width to repeat the rapport. Each circle.r. Start as shown in Scheme, V.P. Lifting instead of the 1st loop and finish 1 compound. Art. in Upper V.P. lifting.

To the height to check 1 time 1-3rd circle.r. In conclusion, check more 1 more circuit. Art. b / n, while around each big arch from V.P. The previous row to lies 11 st .b / n and around each small arch - 4 tbsp. b / n.

Elegant jacket with tie shelves

Knitting density

21 p. X 25 r. = 10 x 10 cm, referenced facechair;

20 p. X 21 r. = 10 x 10 cm, is associated with an openwork pattern.


Elegant jacket with tie shelves

Completing of the work


On the knitting needles №3,5 to dial 100 (108) 118 loops and knit facial stroke.

For a triumph of 26.5 cm = 66 rows from the typesetting series from both sides, close 4 p. And then close in each 2nd row of 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. And 2 x 1 p. = 78 ( 86) 96 p.

For the bevels of the shoulders after 44 cm = 110 of the rows (45.5 cm = 114 of the rows) 47 cm = 118 of the rows from the set of rows from both sides to close 5 (7) 8 p. And then close in each 2-row 2 x 5 ( 6) 8 p.

After 46.5 cm = 116 of the rows (48 cm = 120 rows) 49.5 cm = 124 rows from the set of the row, the remaining 48 p.

Left shelf

On the knitting knitting number 3,5 to dial 10 p. And knit facechair, while simultaneously to add to the side moles on the right working edge to add in each 2nd row 25 (27) 29 x 3 p. To do this, eliminate from 1 p. After the edge 4 p. (= Alternately 1 facial, 1 facial crossed).

At the same time, for the cutout of the cutting along the left working edge in each 2nd row before the edge to check together the facial 25 (27) 29 x 2 p.

After 20 cm = 50 rows (21.5 cm = 54 rows), 23 cm = 58 rows from the set of rows on the spokes should be 60 (64) 68 p.

Further, on the right working edge, knit without add-ons, on the left working edge in each 6th row to the edge to be pulled together by facial 10 (10) 9 x 2 p. = 50 (54) 59 p.

After 46.5 cm = 116 of the rows (48 cm = 120 rows), 49.5 cm = 124 rows from the typesetting row along the right working edge to accommodate the loose for the arm, as on the back = 39 (43) 48 p.

After 64 cm = 160 rows (67 cm = 168 rows), 70 cm = 176 rows from the typesetting row along the right working edge to accumulate for shoulder bevels, as on the back.

For the slack of the neck, the remaining 24 p. Slit another 8.5 cm = 22 rows, then the loop to postpone.

Right shelf

Knit symmetrically left, while the cutout of the cut is 2 p. Before the edge to check together face-crossed (= 1 p. Remove, as with a facial knitting, 1 front, removed the loop to stretch through it).


On the knitting needles number 4, dial 51 p. And first to plunge 1 outproteled row by purl. This series in further calculations is not taken into account. Next knit openwork pattern.

At the same time, for the samples of sleeves on both sides, according to the drawing, add 7 x 1 p. In each 12th row (10 x 1 p. In each 8th row), 13 x 1 p. In each 6th row = 65 (71) 77 p.

For oakat after 42 cm = 88 rows from a set of rows from both sides, close 4 p. And then close in each 2nd row of 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p., 11 x 1 p. 1 x 2 p. And 1 x 3 p.

After 57 cm = 120 rows from the set of the row, the remaining 15 (21) 27 p.


Details are slightly moistened, stretch according to the pattern and leave until complete drying.

Shoulder seams perform mattress seam.

Pedooked back loops The neck of the neck of the backbone to connect the stitch "loop in the loop", to put the bar in the neck in the neck, and the edge edge is slightly sent.

Enter the sleeves, perform side seams and seams of sleeves. The lower edge, the front edges and the counting plate of the neck of the backbone to tie 737 (792) 847 tbsp. b / n. Then pin 3 circle.r. Bordeur crochet and 1 circuit. Art. b / n.

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