Dividers of dairy packages


The reverse side of the dairy packages is a silver cardboard. I was always sorry to throw it out ...

After use on the direct purpose, I cut the packages and stacks with flat stackers. Very good material for needlework! And the place takes a little. It is probably possible to make a lot from it, for example, a helmet and lats for a New Year's costume :). But while I propose a very simple idea of ​​delimiters.

I lay my box from some gift set. And here we were fascinated with pebbles, reading a book on the geology of Dll kids. And they began to collect them. It was necessary to make a collection! Here is the box and came in handy:

Dividers of dairy packages

Made it like this:

Dividers of dairy packages

The box was a piece of foam rubber. It was cut into squares and inserted into the cells.

Dividers of dairy packages

Well, here's the result:

Dividers of dairy packages

And then I'm tired of unraveling the coil and look for the right color. They lay everything in me in one box from under the cookies in the pasture. And then I gave me the second! With candy! Candy we ate, I took out the cardboard from the packages, dismissed the coil and made these simple dividers:

Dividers of dairy packages

For each box it took two pieces.

Dividers of dairy packages

Well, here's the result ...

Dividers of dairy packages

Now everything lies in colors, does not mix, and seek conveniently. Plus, all sorts of necessary trifles fit.

All this is extremely simple, but life easier for me. Maybe someone else will help?

And here there is a wonderful master class on creating a completely stunning coils:


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