Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets


Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

I decided to raise another topic, because He worked with an interesting material - glass. By the way, the glass partially crossed with rubble, but about everything in order.

In fact, the courage of the city takes and there is nothing terrible in a loud word - production, the main thing is to know from which side to approach him.

At that time, when the production of rubble was already more or less established, there was a need to show the buyers of rubble "in nature", in the pictures the color still differs from the real one. And then I come to my memory Exhibition BelExpo 2000 (some) of the year, where I accidentally saw an entertaining panel of glass and dried sets. A little retreat: My "Madame" as I asked to find her additional broadcasts, it is desirable not dusty. And I just returned from the above exhibition and painted me, because it was just what she asked. Two hours on the Internet, a couple of clarifying calls and I have addresses of the Minsk guys engaged in delights of dried flowers and prices. Naturally, I'm in these delisons, oak oak, but taking 100 green drove to purchase. At that moment I had a ripe idea.


$ 100 for the purchase of dried flowers

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

$ 10 Adhesive Thermo Pistol

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

35 $ ​​Chinese glass glue (UV glue glass-glass), by the way, it turned out to be better than German Bohle.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

15 $ UV lamp

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

10 $ glass cutter

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

$ 10 diamond

Free - remnants of broken forces, fraamug (roughly speaking more or less solid pieces of window glass)

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

Free - old beads, all sorts of shiny, jewelry fragments, glass drops and other bright garbage.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

Technology Next:

Two rectangles are cut out of the glass (square, trapezoids - in general, some, about identical geometric shapes). The edges are desirable to handle a supphyl or a special diamond sponge for processing glass ends.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

Squares of 1x1 cm or 1.5x1.5 cm are cut from the glass residues or 1.5x1.5 cm (very tedious work and enough dangerous - often).

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

At the first rectangle, UV glue cubes glue (3-4 cube height) are the base of the composition, pre-proteishes of glass and cubes (gluing places) to the glass cleaning agent, preferably based on alcohol.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

Next to the base of the adhesive gun glued Dryechvest (Skeletons, Ting Ting, Beads - In general, the composition itself, here as whom is trapped, fantasy taxis). You can base the picture, adding the composition from dried flowers.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

After the composition is completed, we take a second rectangle and glue it from top of the composition, on our cubes.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

Next, we determine where the top of our composition and cubes are tied by a ladle. All, the composition is ready.

By the way, not only Dryechvest And every jewelry smallest, but also any other things, for example, collecting sugar sachets with gas stations, as a result - sugar panels. Spare parts from 10-15 phones, the result is a solar cell panel! (Photo a little later, because only one panel remained at home and one table), the rest or extinguished, or sold (most) or in brazen "captured" friends and loved ones)

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

When about 10-15 pieces of finished panels were recruited - attributed them to the flower shop and handed over 15-20 ya. a piece. The ends of Madame was provided. One composition was separated from 1 to 3 hours (three hours - this is if the fantasy spoke "Stop").

When the reserves of glass ended, drove on the glass workshop and took the substandard or spoiled glass, cutting it off at his discretion, and for frequent to me there, they cut + cubes.

A detailed presentation can be purchased here: P R O S T O. T k (without spaces) in the "Download" or "Glass Tables? Simply!"

We return to the crushed.

There was a need to show the buyers a crushed stone "in kind", and came to the rescue of the glass foundation, only instead of drunks, I used the cardboard strip: the stapler joined it in the form of oval, and the thermoclause was fixed on the glass. A fiber was obtained in a 4 cube height, the crushed stone of different colors was covered in the resulting containers and glued on top of the UV glue the top glass.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

It turned out a very beautiful visual advertising manual.

Now about the tables themselves.

All the above, I brought me to an interesting thought, why not make such a panel, only big sizes?! And the idea of ​​Panel has grown into the idea of ​​making a table. UV glue is there, the lamp too. Pipes for legs and accessories Find on the Internet is not a problem. The glass was purchased in glass workshops in the desired size and immediately with the processing, mostly "Eurocroma" (a neat and cheap edge processing option). On the installation - 2 hours. True, it was necessary to buy a drill and drill diamond crown for drilling glass.

My tables differed from all the rest with their uniqueness, because I used the manufacturer those Dryechvest.

Elegant stripes based on drywalks were very simple: pasted on the glass isolate, after the canopy was putting paint, and almost immediately removed the polenta, because After drying, the tape could lift the paint layer.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

After found a matting paste (the analog of sandblasting, only a chemical), the networks found patterns of contour drawings, ordered several options on self-keys and now I could add more and matte drawings to dryers, which in turn added the values ​​of the total composition of the table.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

When the chromed and frosted legs are entrepreneted, he invented an innovation (it looked especially good with dark glass) - the legs trimmed under the skin: Vinyl (soft dermatin) stuck in a stockfall and stretched on the leg.

Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets
Compositions and furniture (tables) from glass and dried sets

P.S. I am reinforcing the quality of the pictures, because I did not even think that it was ever needed to be needed.

Posted by: Alexey Zubik


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