Excellent idea from tile residues and plastic pipes


After repair, the tile remained, plastic pipes and a little cement? Or maybe just want to somehow refresh and update the situation on your site or in the house without spending a lot of money?

And in that, in another case, this interesting table will be an excellent option. It looks quite original, and its manufacture will not require any lands or extraordinary efforts.

Excellent idea from tile residues and plastic pipes

You will need:

plastic tube;

Corner couplings for plastic pipes;




tile grout;


And for a start, it is necessary to decide on the desired size of the edging of the table and the table itself, as well as with its shape, and on the basis of this, choose the pipe. In our case, the pipe, which means the edging, a small diameter, and the table, like its support, will have a form of a polygon. Having thought that the project of the future table, cut the pipe to the parts of the required size.

Excellent idea from tile residues and plastic pipes

Now, with the help of angular couplings for plastic pipes, we connect parts of the pipe between themselves, which thus forming the planned figure. The same is done for both table support.

Excellent idea from tile residues and plastic pipes

As a result, we obtained 2 polygons. Next, we prepare a solution from a mixture of cement and sand. Then we drag the working surface with the glued, lay on it and poured them with a cooked solution. It is well distributed in a well inside the shape with a spatula, we remove too much.

Excellent idea from tile residues and plastic pipes

Next to the center of a smaller form, which means the support of the table, install several pipes. The height of these pipes directly depends on that the table of which height you want to get, because it is nothing more than a leg or feet of the table. In the tubes for the leg also pour the solution. Then decorate parts of the future table with a broken tile, laying out a fantasy mosaic.

Excellent idea from tile residues and plastic pipes

When the cement gets dry, rubbing all the seams for tiles, removing unnecessary. Your table is ready! At the request of the feet of the table and its frame can also be painted or decorated.

Excellent idea from tile residues and plastic pipes

And below you can see the form on how to seize such a table from cement and pipes.

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