Ideas for using free space around the window


Decorating windows

Space, near the window is often underestimated by the owners, and sometimes even left and free. But considering himself a person practical and rational, I could not afford it is so lightly refer to this free space.

Window transformation

To the space that can be beneficial to "beat" and thus, in addition to the external attractiveness of the gazed room, acquire an additional useful area.

Decorating photo window

For this there are several options, but use "ababy how" this unoccupied place did not want to be, so I began to look for a golden middle, able to satisfy both my practicality and the desire to decorate your home. If you install bookshelves or cabinets on both sides of the window, it will be possible to install a wide worktop and get a gorgeous workplace with a writing desk.

Always dreamed of writing, looking out the window ...

Always dreamed of writing, looking out the window. In this embodiment, being a passionate amateur of good books, my preference was given in favor of bookcases. At the same time, I did not forget about the space and above the window, where I planned to install an additional shelf to the ceiling itself.

Decorating the kitchen window

If this technique is applied in the kitchen, instead of a written table, you can get the workplace for the hostess with good natural light. It is less attractive an option in the niche formed by the installed side cabinets or regiments to put a sofa for relaxation or turn the windowsill in a wide bench for reading.

Wide bench for reading and relaxing

The only thing embarrassing me is some kind of fear, fearlessly fall out of the window. But when the quality and security of modern windows, I think my fears were exaggerated.

Decoration of windows

It should be considered that if you decide to arrange a workplace in the window, a desk, a place under it should be free to arrange legs.

Almighty window

When a device for recreation is a sofa, a wide bench should be used and place under it, for the device boxes, shelves, where you can store pillows and other accessories. These and some other ideas that come to mind you can see in the photos.

A source Ideas for using free space around the window

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