Stained glass window


Stained glass window

For any man who knows how to do something with their own hands, the workshop is the holy place where long hours are held in the flour of creativity and creation. For me personally, the workshop is for me is the key to a successful creative process and good mood. Therefore, sometimes between the next works I try to change something in the interior of the workshop for the better. This time, my attention was attracted by the wrong window, waiting for his turn in the update series.

Stained glass window

The decision came almost immediately, it should be not big (20x30cm.) Color stained glass window, made in Tiffany technique.

For a start, I found a suitable picture of the future stained glass window.

Stained glass window

Removed the size of the window and moved to this size pattern.

Stained glass window

After that, the scheme (cardboard) arranged the arrangement of individual elements of stained glass and started the most interesting.

Stained glass window

By contour, stained glass windows for rigidity reinforced by the P-shaped profile of 4x3mm. and is filled with separate elements of a drawing cut from glass. Separate glass elements turn along the contour of the copper foil,

Stained glass window

It is folded into a shared pattern and tinted with tin. Aggarider is made from two sides of the picture.

Then, from the inside, according to the contour, the finished stained glass window is sampled by a narrow strip of two-way tape (preferably thick 2-3mm.) And applied to the existing glass.

Stained glass window

The remaining gaps are sampled with transparent sealant throughout the perimeter of the stained glass. The remnants of sealant are removed and the stained glass window remains moistened into the window opening "on forever."

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