As promised - a description of the tray


At the same time, with a tray decided to make a couple of bakers and a jar. Mom, I think will use it under salt

1. First, all degreased White Spirit, then acrylic soil with a ton layer.

Drying soil up to 1 hour.

2. Tray, jar and facial part of the fairness covered with white acrylic paint

Dry half-hour.

3. The opposite side of the squad was covered with a matte acrylic of olive-colored (in the tone drawing of the plots of rice paper)

Drying final 1 hour

4. Highcase plots glue on PVA to the front surface of the tray, hopping and jars

An hour later, the plots were dried, reversible places. I walk on top of the drawing so that the fit was dense

5. I left to dry overnight, because it was late, but in principle, in an hour after the final drying, it was possible to continue

6. And the queen took the devoted outright paint of olive color from the evening, and a foamous brush slightly dried out of the beginning of light touch to toned the surface of the products.

7. After drying, she took dry

As promised - a description of the tray
As promised - a description of the tray
We have a brush, scored dry paint (dim gold) and light strokes over all products passed. It turned out the effect of the composition.

Drying another hour

8.This covered with varnish. Abandoned the idea of ​​acrylic varnish (because there is no complete effect of the dry product - one box and lipnets a little) lacquer took the cabin (which was in the house) dries 8 hours, but after two hours you could exhibit and take a photo, expensive Forum, your court!

As promised - a description of the tray
As promised - a description of the tray
As promised - a description of the tray
As promised - a description of the tray

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