MK for Flaving "Snow-Mom"


MK on felting

So, proceed. We take a small lump of wool and needle for felting number 36. We begin to hill the villi among themselves. It is better to do the initial stage on the sponge, since the bulb volume is very small, there is a chance to get a sharp needle on the fingers. As they fall into dense mass, fingers attach a rounded shape and gradually add more wool to increase the volume. Each new batch of wool is first needed to fluff well (if there is no push, then we are tearing with your hands, turning every time that along, then across it) and how we wrap our ball in the fluffy cloud from all sides. And again, tweak, poke, poke, still wrap and poke, poke and so until then, until we get the desired size. Head - ball, and torso - oval.

MK on felting

If the dimensions were arranged (though, keep in mind that in the process of refining a snowman, most likely will increase its dimensions!), We begin to connect the details with each other. To do this, we take again the soft and fluffy "cloud" of wool and wind them, like a scarf, head and torso. Tightly pressing the head with one hand to the body, the needle is back in a circle, over "Sharfi". If you feel that it clung to badly, add more wool and repeat. Some masters advise to leave for the connection of the details of small tails of non-swelled wool, but I do not do that, my tails interfere with feeling the form.

MK on felting

Connected firmly and tight and that's what we have.

MK on felting

And now you can take a little rest from the painstaking process, postpone the torso to the side and go to the legs. Again, the "cloud" convert into the ball, we grow and give the shape of the legs-boots. Working on the sponge, because again, small details. While we make legs, throw glances on the body lying aside and reflect on what he lacks ... I come to the conclusion that my thickness lacks.

MK on felting

I try to make paired details parallel so that they get more or less similar.

MK on felting

The legs left the tails for the parcel to the body.

MK on felting

Page legs. Estimacy give, haggarding over the protruding parts.

MK on felting

And now we begin to "rejection" a snowman - add wool to "problem"! (Wards will understand) plots - belly, hips and what is lower. There we especially do not regret wool.

MK on felting

MK on felting

And now again we assume the torso, we admire, praise ourselves and proceed to the handles. It is better to start not from the ball here, and taking the shred wool on the sponge, try to wrap it as if in the roll and not forget to actively work the needle. As you are now a pro and feel the shape, then in the process, try to make not only a flagellum, but also to give, at the end, the shape of the brush. Wool, like plasticine, easily changes the form, is always easy to fix everything, where it is necessary to drop, where it is necessary to add. Sometimes it even has to cut off the more superfluous (I do not throw a marriage, but I add to the bag, then it can be used as blanks for other works).

MK on felting

Well, all the main is ready. Handles also left the tails, for the convenience of the admission.

When everyone gathered together, we begin the needle's finite treatment number 40. If there are areas that you do not like, boldly cover the pages and apply.

And now the most interesting thing - from the billets you need to create a person with character. As there are no similar people, there are no similar works. What is the charm of work with wool, so this is that starting to work, I clearly not imagine the final result. I really "give birth" every time and get from this buzz. For example, at this time I tried to make a Snow-Girl, but a Snowmother came out. Surprise! And this is a miracle of creativity!

MK on felting

Now the "child" has a mother!

MK on felting

Surely, all of this you have already read, looked at the real masters, I just study. I will gladly take your comments. If you have questions - sew what I can - I will help!

Merry Christmas!

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