Black and white harmony.


Black and white harmony.

Summer and autumn paints are gradually flexible, fell by someone's long-awaited, snow. White on black, black on white, black with white - gray, that's all the paints for a long five months. Once again I picked up a thin book of poems, opened at random ... And here it may be, the most important thing is intimate, with pain splashing on paper, the author's feeling, so understandable and consonant with my soul ...

You sat down to the piano. And the sound was born.

It seemed to me that this is pain,

Rings stronged on your hands

Torzing and wound to blood.

... Terepi, this is a black and white harmony.

Or maybe it was hope

For something other in the usual world -

On something clean and even holy,

White and white on black and black.

... Look, this is a black and white harmony.

I am afraid of loud words if there is music.

However, the "music" is also a loud word.

And although you used to call her so

I am much closer the word "love".

... Believe it, it is black and white harmony.

And keys from under your warm hands

The packs flew into the evening sky,

White birds and black birds,

Binding wings, screaming about your ...

... Fly, this is a black and white harmony.

And you, in the infinite harmony of sounds,

Gave me a miracle touch towards the sky.

And, you know, I forgot your name,

But only to remember the name of God ...

... Pray, it is black and white harmony.

... Save me, black and white harmony! ...

... and she saved! I plunged into the world of two colors, as it is clean and beautiful!

The works were the most different: flower pots, jars, plates ... Today, on the eve of baptism, I suggest your attention, dear masters, made in the style of white tightness of the capacity for holy water. This, of course, bottles, each intended to a specific person, beloved and respected by me, and therefore the plan was born easily, without any creative flour. Unfortunately, not everything happened to the implementation from the first time, I want to tell about your mistakes and finds.

The first work is called "Baptism", donated by my shaggy mother. The poems "Black and White Harmony" wrote her daughter, Love Chernyaeva-Shishkova, who left the earthly life at 36 years.

Black and white harmony.

Black and white harmony.

Black and white harmony.

This second work, "Andrei Rublev", is presented to a wonderful my friends - a married couple of doctors. For several years, every Thursday, they traveled to the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra to treat monks and parishioners. Father Abbot who invited them, organized a medical office directly in the cell. After the first recovers, the queue to them was stretched for months.

The painting of the Trinity Cathedral in the Lavra owns Rublew's brush, this is exactly the subject of gift.

Black and white harmony.

Black and white harmony.

Black and white harmony.

Now about the technique. All at the rolled scheme: degreasing, primer, acrylic black, wax, acrylic white, varnish. Prints on ordinary paper, laser printer. Transferred an image to the workpiece in two ways:

  • 1. Merrous printing, discharge, rolling up the top paper layer, drying. The mixture applied to the place of gluing (PVA, water, varnish) or only lacquer, or white acrylic (i.e. tried all the ways about which he read; he herself came up with a clean varnish) and put the thinned picture of paint down. After drying (about three hours) wet and rolled the remaining paper. Here and ambush - in some places, black paint has not built into the structure, and empty pixels have been formed. For my purposes, it was not scary, I achieved the effect of a very old fresco, so the dried picture was still on top of the top, removing the image clarity. However, because It was far from the first job, rolling and sweetered very much, I had a lot of hands - be careful! Therefore switched to the second way.
  • 2. Merril does not need, you do not need to download. We cover the picture two times with varnish, we remove the paper layer with the help of painting tape, gluing it several times, you can get almost a transparent film from a lacquer with a pattern, which we stick to the desired place on the workpiece using PVA or the same varnish.

Texts of prayers: copied into the internet, inserted into Word, chose the desired size and font, mirrored, printed, smoked, scolded the paper layer, glued to the mixture, dried, flushed into a brush, sculpted the paper left, the edges no longer heed .

Some elements decided to make in the form of a non-high bas-relief, mixed acrylic spacket from PVA, a very thin brush created a relief, dried, covered with gold.

Extinguished earlier, so it remained to be covered with several layers of matte varnish, the effect of which was not very suitable - after all, the surface was wounded that it did not correspond to my goals. Son came to the rescue, he was engaged in childhood models of airplanes, the paints and the necessary varnishes was not, had to be invented himself. When you needed a matte coating, he mixed with a dental powder. The powder in the house was not, but remained from those times the children's powder "Gabi", I mixed it with acrylic varnish - the effect made me, shine on the surface disappeared!

And the last - dome on the traffic jam. I made it from the working toilet paper, the resulting mass was squeezed, mixed with PVA, formed a dome, after drying, the surface was squeezed, it was not possible to align neither soil or white, multi-layered acrylic. On top of gold paint, matte varnish. The dome is not satisfied who worked with toilet paper, tell me how to do it right. Thank you in advance!

That's all! My gifts liked, I did them with love!

P.S. Who became interested in verses, type in the search engine: Love Chernyaeva-Shishkova. The literary institute and her friends made a site with a complete selection of wonderful poete poems!

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