Not spinner, of course, but, the beads on the wire climbing quickly ...


Good all the time of day !!!!

Who wants to write nasty - immediately ask - pass by - it's not for you !!!!

Somehow Spinner saw in a beadwork group. Found in the internet how he works - cool, most importantly, you can quickly type beads of one color when wepting, for example, leaves for orchids, valley lily, etc. I don't do a lot of beadwork, I don't want to buy a spinner, but I liked the idea of ​​a fast set of beads on a wire ... Soon already on March 8, I decided to push the valley for gifts, here and there was an idea to make him him ...

I, like Plushkin, do not throw away different boys from the threads for knitting, wire for beads and other things - and suddenly it is useful for crafts ... I took a plastic jar in which Wasabi (Japan Hur ") and ginger for sushi, chess and bubines from wire And began to create ... We have two sets of chess, one of them has plastic caps (like on banks - old chess), which are easily removed on the figures. Printed caps to a cup on both sides. Barins glued together with a wire, it glued down the cover from the packing for a roll of curtains, you can simply alone the babins - it will be normal. The head from the pawn goes well into the holes of the Babin and scrolls there freely. Inserted chess lid glued to the cup. The design of Babin glued to the table with bilateral scotch, so that it was firmly stood. Massed everything in a bunch, the beads poured into a cup ... For those who do not know how it works, I explain - you take a long wire (you can and 2 m - who is required), Lower the wire by one end (it is necessary that the end is flat, without different curvatures, but, quite a little bit too much up - not sharply) in beads, the wire, as it were, lies on a semicircle with a semicircle between the edge of the cup and the center for about 0 , 5 turns, hold it with his right hand and start to twist the left behind the "Queen" head clockwise, the beads rushes on a wire, throw it on the long end of the wire, what a cup (do not forget on the free tail of the wire to make a loop or a lump so that all The scored beads did not crumble in a free fall) and continue on. I first did not work, and then adapted - cool and quickly. Chess were not affected, they are then easily removed from the lids (think, play "slippery", without bottom).

Here, it seems, and that's it. Maybe who will come in handy ...


Not spinner, of course, but, the beads on the wire climbing quickly ...

I saw this in the internet :)))

Not spinner, of course, but, the beads on the wire climbing quickly ...

And this is my already :)))

Not spinner, of course, but, the beads on the wire climbing quickly ...

Not spinner, of course, but, the beads on the wire climbing quickly ...

Not spinner, of course, but, the beads on the wire climbing quickly ...

Thank you for seeing


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