Basholyk associated with froform technique.


Basholyk associated with froform technique.
Several years ago I got to the site of the Osinka Club, yes there remained. In general, I am a fondant person, I want to try all directions from the man, and since knitting is still more close to real life - you can wear things, I decided to try the technique of freeform. In addition, from a long time, the threads of different colors remained. I bought a little to dilute more modern yarn. I decided to try to tie something on my head. The banal hat did not want, and rarely I wear them. The idea of ​​a bump, which I spied on the osinka, well, is the type of hood.

What I liked the Friesform technique, it is really free knitting. The idea was born - the main thing is to start, and then you just do not stop.

So, I started to impose scrap - it's like separate items, only from different threads. Unfortunately, I did not photograph them individually (I did not think that I would exhibit somewhere), but I will try to show partly.

Basholyk associated with froform technique.

Basholyk associated with froform technique.

I also associated a few scrambled, but as a form to give, you will not try on yourself, and then I remembered that somewhere I lies without the need of a hood from the old jacket of my son, for some reason, not yet thrown away (to my happiness). I put this hood on a 3-liter bank and began to attach the grinding on it. We are alone, the other, then their silence, and some simply told. And so rided the entire hood.

Basholyk associated with froform technique.

So that it was more convenient to wear, a scarf tied to the Bolsheka, the sectional yarn came here very well. And also tied the lining, after all it was assumed that this thing I would wear in the winter.

Basholyk associated with froform technique.

Basholyk associated with froform technique.

But it was not here, I came sister, tried out, and said that this color I did not go (I agree with her, it's really not my gamma) and I had to give it to her. For that, I made her a little pop.

Basholyk associated with froform technique.

Here is the second winter wears - rejoices.

More photos can be found here

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