What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving


PVC pipes are popular with the sleeve and skillful dachens. And not only in direct appointment, but also as a material for all kinds of useful homemakes.

What can be made of such pipes? A lot of useful things!

The fantasy of the inventors masters is truly inexhaustible, so I managed to collect not all the ideas, but I think it's not the amount at all. The main thing is to look at the usual material in a new way, and there, the ideas of its useful use in our own country house will not make himself wait.

So I invite you to extract today's selection and recharge your inspiration. And if you have already been mastered something from polypropylene pipes, definitely tell about your experience and impressions in the comments, agreed?

10 ideas for garden and garden

I would never have thought that the possibilities of using pipes in the garden and garden are so diverse. Personally, I did not come to mind that the greenhouses and the greenhouses, but it turned out that ideas are much more! Some of them are impressive with their originality, others conquer practicality.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
The ideas of homemade tubes for the garden and the garden admire the originality, practicality and diversity

I chose the top ten of them, from my point of view: the most useful in the farm and sufficiently easy to implement.

Fences, wickets and garden shirms

It would not come to use the pipes in this way, until I saw these photos. It was especially impressed by the photo on the left - it is how much work is needed and patience so that first cut the rings of the same thickness from the pipes of different diameters, then pick them up in such a way as to fill the specified area, and then secure reliably. But the result is definitely worth it.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
From simple to very elegant structures

Using PVC pipes, you can upset the entire area or separate it part (for example, a vegetable garden or a barroom), make a fence for the terrace or garden wide for zoning the territory. They can be purely utilitarian, and can also acquire a very elegant appearance - everything is in your hands.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Fencing from pipes for every taste and for any purpose

Practical idea - use of pipes as a frame for a fencing from the grid. So you can not only make a fence, but also, for example, a summer dwelling for chickens.

Woliers and summer houses for chickens

The advantages of country kerking have already rated many. And perhaps, the most difficult to find a budget decision to build a smokehouse and walking, especially if we are talking about a seasonal, and not year-round content. But PVC pipes and here are helping:

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Need a summer aviary for chickens and chickens? PVC pipes will be helped!

Options for such structures may be different. Including, there are quite witty mobile solutions, which is very practical: the chickens turn the green cleaner very quickly into the watered desert, so that the regular move will benefit them and the landscape.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
The construction may be not only stationary, but also mobile

Greenhouses and greenhouses

That's why polypropylene pipes are fit perfectly. Moreover, the design can be chosen for every taste and level of skill. If the skills of working with this material are not at all as necessary for such a business tool, you can do without them. Well, the master with experience is for sure and without tips will be built a house for plants to everyone on the sight.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Greenhouses and greenhouses from polypropylene pipes - quickly, convenient, practical and reliable

By the way, pay attention: structures on two top photos can actively successfully act as the role of greenhouses and as summer chicken housing. And the greenhouse in the photo at the bottom right brilliantly combines two functions of the pipes at once: they also serve as a frame, and watering provide.

Plant supports

Perfectly obtained from PVC pipes. A variety of types of supports for gardening crops are performed: arches, trellis, fences for berry shrubs.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
From the pipes you can make a variety of types of plants supports

And the other told about how they made a pretty fence for bushes from pipes. And by the way, it can be not only elegant decorative, but also a convenient practical solution that is suitable for currants with a gooseberry and for peonies or other plants, whose bushes are inclined to fall apart at the time of flowering or fruiting.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Polypropylene pipe shrubs supports

Well, then, having mastered work with pipes perfectly, you can move to the manufacture of more complex and time-consuming ornamental supports and elements of garden design.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
And you can build not only the arch, but also something more complicated ...

If you don't want to make support, you can choose ready-made designs of any size and configuration, from different materials. Our catalog presents goods of proven gardening online stores, and here you will find a wide range of a variety of trellis and supports.

Summer shower

You can still use pipes for almost intended purpose. That is, water will flow on them. And as a result, the beautiful fun for children and adults is a refreshing summer shower.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Summer shower - beautiful fun on a hot day

The only nuance that needs to be provided from my point of view is the water source. Hardening - the procedure is useful, of course, but the ice shower of well water - the fun is still extreme. So it is worth taking care of a large container in which water will be in the sun for your soul.

Washbasin or Sink for Summer Kitchen

Without water and on the summer kitchen, neither there and neither here, and near the garden she will come in handy: rinse fresh greens or redish, hand washed. And again, polypropylene tubes will come to your aid - not only to bring water, but also to make a light mobile sink.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Amenities in the courtyard

This design will be significantly easier for a wooden or metal analog, which means it can be easily transferred to where it is necessary. It will only be left to connect the hose - and ready!

laundry dryer

Under the shower, they splashhed, the hands were flushed - you need a towel. And then it must be dried somewhere. This case has comfortable dryers. Of course, made of PVC pipes, who would doubt!

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Dry clothes and towels

The only lack of structures presented in the photo from my point of view is their bulky. They are undoubtedly good in summer by the pool - but where are they in winter? It should be worried about it immediately so that the problem is not discovered at the most inopportune moment.

However, these designs of the ideas of summer dryers are not exhausted, so you can choose any other.

Garden trolleys

As often in the country, something needs to be transferred somewhere - from materials to the harvest assembled. But to transport much easier (and more useful for health) than to wear on yourself! So the trolley is the thing in the country is absolutely necessary. Or not even one.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
All sorts of trolleys - very useful in the country house

And the similar cart can be collected as a bicycle trailer. True, I do not know how practical, but lovers of long cycling, perhaps the idea will appreciate: in such a trailer, not only all for a picnic will be loaded without any problems, but also a tent with rods ...

Dominics and other fun for the playground

Adults generally always have things at the cottage. But the child is more difficult: do not go to my mother's flower beds, it is impossible to the pond, it's dangerous on the street ... what then do it? There is no such question if the elders took care of a good playground for their Chad, where there will also be a place for interesting crafts from PVC pipes.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
PVC pipes are not only a house

I think the idea of ​​a house (or rather, its frame) from the pipes has already come to many. But, as you can see, these are the possibilities of the universal "building material" are not exhausted. Houses and Suns from the Sun, game pavilions and mini-attractions - you can do everything that is enough for fantasies and skills. For example, here are such gaming stands:

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Fun with water and sand are interesting for children of different ages

Fun with water and sand are able to take the child for a long time. And since the design is mobile, it can always be rearranged there, where the favorite child will be supervised.

Arbors and canopies

Adults, however, also not only about summer deeds to think, but also about the rest. So, we will need a gazebo, a tent or at least a canopy where you can hide from the Sun and sit in a good company for a cup of tea or with kebabs.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Gazebo, tent or canopy - everything can be made it from polypropylene pipes

I do not know how about the reliability and winter hardiness of such a frame - maybe it is not worthwhile on something fundamental and not worth it ... But here is the simplest canopy, which is called an ambulance hand, for the experiment you can build. And there time will show ...

5 ideas for the garage and workshop

This master has a workplace always intelligently equipped: all tools in their places; The materials are decomposed so that they are convenient to take; Practical furniture, good lighting ... And of course, in the arrangement of a comfortable working space of PVC pipes, we will also be useful.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
PVC pipe trimming will help equip the workplace in the garage or workshop

Storage little things

Everyone who happened to search for a somewhere rolling somewhere or a screwdriver, knows that this is not a trifle. For small tools and small parts so that they are no longer lost, you can make practical supports from polypropylene pipes:

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
This is not a trifle!

Similar structures, only from pipes more than a diameter, easy to build for storage of materials - rails, bars, metal reinforcement, etc.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Simple organizers for storing small consumables

Please note that buildings can be both vertical and horizontal - depending on the available free space and your ideas about convenience.

Racks and storage systems

But in the stands of pipes, everything that can be stored in the master's bins, do not fold, so the rack in the garage or workshop is an indispensable thing.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
All over the shelves! PVC pipe racks

So that there is always order on the rack, it is convenient to use containers of various sizes and do the shelves immediately based on them. Containers are easy to sign, and immediately it will be clear where it lies.

Containers for garbage

Well, how without them? The trash in the workshop in any case will be, and much more pleasant if you clean it comfortably. And from PVC pipes you can make a support for a trash room or a trolley for a bucket (container).

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Cope with garbage much easier if you clean it comfortably

Here, I think everything is extremely simple and understandable in the photo, in additional explanations this idea does not need.

May the light be!

Good lighting for comfortable work is also necessary. And if there is no finished lamp, but there are trimming of polypropylene pipes, wire, electric fork and cartridge, light bulb and very pens, you do not prevent you from making a suitable lighting device yourself.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Lighting in the workplace is necessary

If you are creative, such simple models you are unlikely to come to taste, but everything is in your hands!

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Creative lamps made of polypropylene pipes

Comfortable furniture

At least, the table and chair (or stool) are needed, agree. Still, in the workshop or garage, many spend a lot of time, and without furniture there, well, no way do. For example, this is:

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Simple, but comfortable furniture is suitable for workshop or garage

Although those who wish can add something "more serious" - for greater comfort and comfortable holidays. For example, here are the chairs:

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Chairs for a comfortable stay

But since they spoke about the furniture, let's go to the house out of the garage and see what kind of homemade from PVC pipes can come in handy there.

5 ideas for the country house

Do not rush to close the page! Yes, I know that many idea of ​​using polypropylene pipes in the design of their house seems strange and not particularly attractive. But believe me, there are ideas that you should at least look.

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
For a cottage house you can make a very unusual thing from PVC pipes

I chose from all the most offered diversity only the most or the most (in my opinion, of course) unusual ways to use PVC pipes in the country house.

Shirma and partitions

A similar idea was at the very beginning of the selection when it was about the fences and garden shirms. And now take a look, how can it be implemented in the interior:

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Stylish shirms and partitions from PVC pipes

In my opinion, it turns out very worthy. From the pipes of one diameter to make a screen easier, but from the rings of various sizes "lace" is more interesting, of course. And you can still make like this:

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
You can comply with pipe trimming not only different diameters, but also of different lengths.

The option presented in the photo on the right may not suit any interior, but it is worth recognizing: the idea is interesting and deserves attention.

Interior decor

If you are immediately taken for large-scale work, you do not risk, you can begin to be practiced on small elements of the decor - framework, panel, etc. The technology of their manufacture is similar, but then the volume of work is smaller, and you can choose an option that does not require fittings in the area, rigidly limited framework. Here, for example:

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Before switching to large-scale projects, you can practic on small products

Immediately and you will not say that the material for these crafts served all the same polypropylene pipes, right?

Unusual lamps

But this is exactly the idea is not for beginners - to embody her, we need certain skills and time to experiment: I doubt that with the first attempt everything will turn out. But the result ...

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Unusual lamps made of large diameter pipes

As you can see, these lamps are fundamentally different from those that were intended for a garage or workshop (although, in fact, the choice depends not only on the designation of the room, but also from its interior as a whole).

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Speecually, is it not true?

Yes, it will be not too simple to carry out such an idea, but maybe she will inspire someone, and then ...

Wine storage rack

I paid attention to these racks, because the past season we had winemaking: berries and fruits was gone so much that there was no possibility to cope with them any other way. Well, then, naturally, I had to think about the device of my own wine cellar ...

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
For those who appreciate homemade wine

By the way, the idea of ​​a narrow shell (as in the photo on the left) can be adapted for other needs - such sections will be useful in the kitchen and in the bathroom. The only nuance that confuses me in a similar design - the complexity with cleaning: that's how the dust is wipe, interesting? ..

Kitchen trivia

Returning from the heights of the designer thought to household trifles, I want to show you what can be made from the trimming of PVC pipes for the country kitchen. It seems that, very trivia, but every hostess knows that comfort and convenience depends on such "trifles".

What can be made from PVC pipes with their own hands: 20 ideas for giving
Sometimes the convenience of the hostess depends on such "small things"

As you can see, the possibilities of polypropylene pipes are almost endless. But in the selection is only part of the ideas of their possible use! I hope it turned out not too long, you did not have time to get fat and found something useful and interesting for yourself. If you embody any idea, share the result and impressions in the comments, agreed?

Well, "for a snack" - a useful video, where the process of connecting PVC pipes with a special soldering iron is shown in detail and clearly. The plot can be useful for those who have never dealt with this material.

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