How to make a paper bag with your own hands?

How to make a paper bag with your own hands?

There are cases when presenting a gift I want to furnish a special way - style, color scheme, design. And the exact image of the package seems in the head, and in the store it is not. Why not try to make an elegant paper package with your own hands? Moreover, it is quite simple.

How to make a paper bag with your own hands - master class

Required tools and materials:

Tools and materials

  • watercolor paper;
  • watercolor paints, brush;
  • picture, Brads, ribbon;
  • chammens, chalk holder;
  • figurine punch;
  • Big board;
  • glue, scissors, a bug knife, a ruler.

Making Kraft Package - Master Class

Cutting paper
Collect paper
Big paper
Belt Boca
Big Day

cutting strips

  1. From watercolor paper make two basic package details. I specifically indicated the size because The principle is the same under any.
  2. Also cut the strips with a width of 4 cm and a piece that will be the substrate for the picture.
  3. With the help of watercolor paints, stain all the details.
  4. Collapse stripes
  5. Next, make a bitter. The width of my package is 4 cm, so the sides are made two bend 2 cm each and one bend 4 cm below.
  6. Glue the bag on the sides.
  7. At the bottom, we make bigke at an angle and fold, forming the bottom, as shown in the photo below.
  8. bend bottom
    glue bottom
  9. On the stripes we make patterns with the help of border holes and glit to the package.
  10. We stick stripes
  11. We glue the picture on the substrate, we stick the beer card on the opposite side (to give the volume) and complement the brids. Put the picture on the package.
  12. Beer cardboard
  13. In completion, install the champs and stretch the tape by forming the handles.
  14. tape

Such a bag is completely easy - it will fully fit your tastes and constitute a harmonious addition of the gift.

Ready package
paper bag do it yourself

Author of the master class - Nikishova Maria

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