How to embroider icons with beads?


How to embroider icons with beads?

Embroidery - the occupation is just as fascinating, how painstaking and requires a lot of patience. Special attention deserves embroidery with beads: the paintings performed in this technique look very original and are real works of art.

Newbies in this kind of needlework often interests whether to embroider icons with beads, is it possible to do so and how to learn it. If you want to embroider an icon, you must first go to the temple and get the blessing of the father. Embroidery is considered an awry business, however with one important exception: it is impossible to embroider the faces of the saints. These parts of the image are usually applied to the cloth by silk screen. Such a ban is explained by some canonical considerations: it is believed that to embroider in the worldly conditions of the Lick of Saints is unacceptable, only high-dimensional believers can deal with this - for example, monks working in workshops under monasteries.

Embroidery equipment beads icons

  1. Having received the blessing of the church to embroide the icons, select the scheme you like and the materials necessary for the work (beads, needles, threads, hoops, etc.).
  2. Fabric base (silk or flax), follow, and beads spread in colors for convenience.
  3. There are various methods of embroidery with beads. Exactly embroidered in one line (vertically, horizontally either diagonally). It is important that all the beads lie down exactly.
  4. You can embroider each bead separately, and you can do it with whole rows (fixing the thread, to gain all the color row of beads on it and spend the thread into the last cell of the canvas, and on the "way back" fasten the beads at equal intervals). Sometimes every beerinka is chosen twice - for special strength.
  5. When the series is interrupted by the image of the drawn elements (face and hands), the thread should be ovelaw. There should be no reddigas on the wrong one - it will contribute to the skewers of the image.
  6. To determine which method you will be easier to master, you can see several videos of master classes on embroidery icons beaded.
  7. After the end of the work, put embroidery in the baguette, stretching it well. Pasparta for icons is usually not used. And after visiting the Baget Workshop, the icon must be consecrated in the temple. Otherwise, your work will be just embroidery on religious themes, and not a real icon.

Tips for embroidery beads icons do it yourself

If you want to embroider a beautiful icon, pay attention to the quality of the materials. The diagram itself can be purchased in the set or obtain with one of the special computer programs.

Beads are better to choose Czech or Japanese, since he, firstly, is more durable and does not fade, and secondly, it is properly calibrated in size.

Threads ideally use ultra-thin (cotton, silk or polyester). They should not twist. Color threads choose the color of the canvas (dark or light).

Separate attention deserves the question of how to make such a thread in the needle. The craftsmen advise to fall out of a thread with a lighter or dip her tip in a transparent varnish, dry and drop a little. As for the needle themselves, it is better to buy a whole pack for embroidery icons, since these needles have a property often break and bend.

How to embroider icons with beads?

How to embroider icons with beads?

How to embroider icons with beads?

How to embroider icons with beads?

How to embroider icons with beads?

How to embroider icons with beads?

How to embroider icons with beads?

How to embroider icons with beads?

How to embroider icons with beads?

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