How to overjugate aluminum jars in blanks and how much you can earn


A lot of containers and household products are made of aluminum. This is a fairly valuable metal that can be melted into the blanks to pass in the metal receiver. Many such high-quality castings are required for turning works, so it makes sense to make them yourself, and not buy a shitryoga. Consider how to melting aluminum waste, which is suitable for this, and whether it is profitable to do it for leaving the castings on scrap metal.

How to overjugate aluminum jars in blanks and how much you can earn

What will take:

  • melting furnace;
  • charcoal;
  • crucible;
  • mounted hairdryer;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • small aluminum scrap and waste;
  • Forms for casting.

The process of smearing aluminum waste and calculations

How to overjugate aluminum jars in blanks and how much you can earn

For the accuracy of calculations of the spent resources in a visual experiment, 1 kg of coal will be used, as well as 1.2 kg of aluminum scrap and waste. The melting furnace with an empty crucible after the ignition is filled with half coal. While he dials the temperature, it is about 7 minutes for this equipment, you need to ensure subdivine. For the absence of a more economical option, it makes a hairdryer with a power of 2 kW.

How to overjugate aluminum jars in blanks and how much you can earn

When the crucible to grow up, as soon as possible, thin-walled aluminum trash is thrown into it. The presence of fluid metal at the bottom will accelerate the melting of more massive products. First, beer, tin cans, shells from an armored cable, photo-brags from the printer cartridge, aerosol cans, from cosmetics, tubes from under ointments, glue, molds from candle pills, can be placed in a crucible aluminum products, type wire , radiators, spoons, forks, etc. That is, you can let anything you want.

How to overjugate aluminum jars in blanks and how much you can earn

How to overjugate aluminum jars in blanks and how much you can earn

As coal is progress, it is added, and a hairdryer turns on for a few minutes. After melting the metal, you need to give it to get off 5 minutes, then add a flux. It uses a handful of soda-based mixture with salt. Then the metal is mixed and the slag is cleaned. After that, it can be pouring it into forms.

How to overjugate aluminum jars in blanks and how much you can earn

According to the result, with 1.2 kg of recyclable, which does not receive any metal receiver, it turned out 1.01 kg of commodity metal. 850 grams were spent on smelting. Wood coal, 0.5 kWh electricity for the exercise of the hair dryer, and the handful of salt with soda. Based on these data, it is possible to calculate the actual benefit when they are delivered to such dumplings in the acceptance in a particular region. If you do charcoal yourself, and use a more economical fan for injection air, then there is a benefit in domestic processing.

How to overjugate aluminum jars in blanks and how much you can earn

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