Embroidery "Richelieu"


Embroidery "Richelieu" - This is a genus of an openwork embroidery, in which the basic elements of the pattern are squeezed with rocks (manually or on a sewing machine), and the gaps between them are cut, creating lace. For the first time, this kind of needlework appeared in Italy in the Renaissance Epoch, and then moved to France, where he acquired a huge variety of admirers. One of them was the famous Cardinal Richelieu, in honor of which this embroidery and received its name.

Since the revival of the embroidery "Richelieu" experienced a lot of takeoffs on the peak of fashion so that over time again almost disappear. Today, embroidery in the technique of "Richelieu" is experiencing another Renaissance, decorated with the dresses of eminent designers. Yes, and in the houses of ordinary inaders embroidery "Richelieu" there is a place, because with its help you can create an amazing beauty of the napkin. That is why today's master class will be devoted to the main techniques for embroidery in the technique of "Richelieu".

Manual embroidery "Richelieu" - master class for beginners

    • Transfer the liked the pattern on the fabric, better from cotton or flax.


    • We flash through the contour all the elements of the seam "forward needle". Thickness of the thread should be chosen depending on the tissue density: thick silk threads will be needed for thick tissues, for tissues of delicate, thin, threads of coils or mulin will need. It is necessary to put out the contours in several rows, leaving small gaps between them.


    • I stitched the contour, go to the execution of bride - jumpers. For jumpers, the working thread should be extended between two rows of the mark before the place where the bride will be located and turn it over the fabric to the adjacent element. Then the working thread is riveted between the rows of the backbone and returns backwards.


    • The resulting "bridge" is squeezed by a looped seam.


    • After all the brothers were performed, the fabric under them carefully cuts over with sharp scissors.


    • After that, it is necessary to gently sew the remaining embroidery parts with a looper, filament and crop the excess fabric.


Embroidery "Richelieu" on the sewing machine - master class for beginners

    • To create lace in the technique of "Richelieu" with the help of a sewing machine, you need to stock all necessary: ​​water-soluble and adhesive fliesline, cloth and threads. Preparation for work lies in gluing flizelinov tissue. As a result, our billet is a kind of "sandwich" of three layers: water-soluble fliesline, adhesive fliesline, fabric. This workpiece must be accurately fixed in the chambers, trying not to squeeze it.
    • We proceed to embroidery, flashing the drawing by threads of any suitable color. As a result, we get the following.


    • After the whole drawing is stopped, it comes a very responsible step of work: it is necessary to carefully cut those parts of the pattern where the openwork will be. At the same time, it is necessary to cut only the tissue part of the "sandwich", without damaging water-soluble fliesline. Scissors for this work it is necessary to take very sharp and curved. Cut fabric is needed as close as possible to the line.


    • After that, we begin to build brdits, laying the lines along the water-soluble fliseline.


  • When the entire pattern is over, it will only be to wash off the water-soluble fliesline in warm water, dry the embroidery and reassure it from the wrong side.


If you buy a special water-soluble flazelin stabilizer is not possible, you can perform "Richelieu" on the sewing machine. So: all the elements, including brdis, shallow straight line, and then wash the zigzag with the use of a gasket thread from above. After that, the embroidery starch and irrigate to complete drying, and then cut out openwork elements.

Patterns for embroidery "Richelieu" can be different, but various plant ornaments look better.







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