Fragrant bags


I love to get silent lingerie from the cabinet with towels. This is especially true for bed linen ... maybe it is why I change underwear quite often. The same spherical effect can be achieved in boxes with underwear, and in any chest, servants, slides, walls with wardrobes, if we put a fragrant soap or flavors there. Aromatizer can be bought as everything else, but why not try to make it yourself, do it yourself and with your favorite smell?

You probably know what Vermikulitis ? This mountain breed of volcanic origin has been widely used in crop production. With it, you can improve the condition of the soil in pots with room flowers. On the vermiculite you can grow seedlings, keep vegetables and fruits, apply for shilling, it easily absorbs moisture and so on. About everything you can learn on the pages of the Internet. And I want to offer you to use vermiculite to create fragrant sachets - bags

Fragrant bags - Sasha with vermiculitis (2) (581x697, 263Kb)

Fragrant bags - Sasha with vermiculitis (1) (700x508, 285kb)

459610 (700x500, 242Kb)

To create fragrant bags, you can use both vermiculite, which is used in construction, is the so-called "stripped vermiculite". It is he will cost you cheaper what is sold in small bags for plants. By the way, about construction) I invite you to visit the site of the company "Megaron", which is engaged in the design and construction of private houses and cottages in St. Petersburg. The company also sells and produces metal block containers, provides services for repair and finishing work, calculates the cost of individual building projects and much more.

Fragrant bags - Sasha with vermiculite (3) (621x389, 89kb)

So, we will need:

for 2 kg vermiculite

100 ml of alcohol

100 ml of essence, any liquid flavoring, essential oil or spirits

Fragrant bags - Sasha with vermiculite (4) (626x390, 77Kb)

We smell vermiculite in a plastic bag and add alcohol with flavoring there. Tinging the bag, shake and leave one day. After a day, the vermiculitis will absorb everything in itself, all the liquid with the smell and will be a dry mixture

Fragrant bags - Sasha with vermiculite (5) (621x402, 89kb)

Now take any color cotton fabric and smell a little mixture into it.

Fragrant bags - Sasha with vermiculite (6) (628x406, 140kb)

Tinging the bag, decorate flowers with ribbons

Fragrant bags - Sasha with vermiculite (7) (629x406, 122kb)

Ends cut

Fragrant bags - Sasha with vermiculite (8) (622x401, 85kb)

That's all) put, where we want and enjoy the born things with linen)

Fragrant bags - Sasha with vermiculite (9) (627x404, 146kb)

Inspires from Marryatty

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