How to make a mosquito trap from PET bottle


How to make a mosquito trap from PET bottle

Forgetting to close the window of the window or the door at night, you can find that by the morning the whole house is sisite from mosquitoes. In the afternoon they are hiding in various shutters, and by night they fly out and terrorize all households. In order to get rid of them from them, it is possible to place in every room on a homemade trap, which will allow you to catch all mosquitoes and finally start sleeping without night bites.

What will take:

  • plastic bottle;
  • newspaper;
  • Warm water;
  • sugar;
  • dry yeast;
  • Scotch or stationery clip.

The process of making an anti-mosquito trap

For the manufacture of traps you need to take a plastic bottle of 1.5-2 liters. It must be cut from it. The cut is performed as smaller than the neck transition line in the straight walls. Prepared halves are postponed yet.

How to make a mosquito trap from PET bottle

Then you need to prepare a solution to attract mosquitoes. To do this, it is necessary to warm 200 ml of water to a temperature of +35 ... + 40 degrees Celsius. It is poured into the cut bottle, and it dissolves 2 tbsp. Sugar spoons.

How to make a mosquito trap from PET bottle

How to make a mosquito trap from PET bottle

After that, the teaspoon of dry bakery yeast falls asleep from above.

How to make a mosquito trap from PET bottle

They are not stirred. You just need to pour them from above, the yeast yourself softened and devourge into the water. It is important that when drinking yeast, the water temperature was within the specified degrees. This will allow them to be activated and start processing sugar.

Then an inverted neck is inserted into the cut bottle, located like a funnel. She should not get to the water with yeast.

How to make a mosquito trap from PET bottle

Next you need to darken the bottle. To do this, the newspaper is wound on it or other dense paper. It can be fixed with scotch, tie into a thread or just press the stationery clip.

How to make a mosquito trap from PET bottle

Then the trap is installed in the house so as not to interfere. Optimally done by such a trap in each room. The yeast existing in it during the eating sugar is isolated carbon dioxide, the same that people and animals exhale. Mosquitoes focusing on him find their victims. As a result, they flush into the trap and, by virtue of its shapes, cannot get back, after which they get tired and fall into the liquid.

How to make a mosquito trap from PET bottle

This trap is completely safe for humans and animals, as it is refilled by conventional yeast and sugar. The expiration date of one refueling is about 2 weeks. It is how much yelling can live in sweet water and highlight carbon dioxide. In the heat they work faster, so the rejunction of traps is required more often, besides, the liquid is actively evaporated from it, which also reduces the validity period.

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