Freshener - air flavoring in the car with their own hands: breathe full of breasts!


Air condition in the car's cabin is an important component of comfortable movement on wheels. It is much more pleasant in the car, which does not only smell delicious, but also cleans the air. For such purposes, air freshener is used for a car, as well as an ozonator for the car. However, not all means are manufactured according to quality standards. The defective air fresheners are very quickly exhaled, and the incorrectly working automotive air ionizer has more harm than the benefits for lungs. In some cases, it is better to make an air freshener in the car with your own hands than spending money to dubious purchases.

Freshener - air flavoring in the car with their own hands: breathe full of breasts!

Methods for eliminating unpleasant odor in cars

Many car enthusiasts are concerned about the problem of eliminating the non-darling smell of tobacco from the car's salon. The presence of a large amount of dust, chemical exhaust, allergic substances inside the machine - also causes the appeal of the owners of the car to the choice of air freshener for the space of the car.

There are several categories of air fresheners in a car having different focus of action:

  1. neutralization of unpleasant odors in the cabin;
  2. Filling a car with a pleasant aroma;

And the first and second categories are actively used in the salons of motorists. But whether the ozonation of the car and the elimination of the unpleasant smell will be carried out as expected from this?

Complete destruction of harmful substances in the cabin

The first category is an air ionizer in the car. This device is very easy to use in the car. It is enough to connect the device to the cigarette lighter and the beneficial effect on the air will be felt in a few minutes. The ionizer in the car affects as follows:

  • The device throws up charged ions into the air;
  • The ions attract dust and microparticles of unpleasant odors;
  • After this, ions with negative elements are becoming severe and settle on Earth;
  • Some model of ionizers attracted contaminated particles, working as a vacuum cleaner.

Freshener - air flavoring in the car with their own hands: breathe full of breasts!

If you use the ozonization of the car's interior, then you can feel the almost instantaneous destruction of any unpleasant flavors in the cabin. In the space of the car there is a smell of quartz and ozone. This suggests that the ozonation of the car is carried out qualitatively. A positive feature of the ozonation of the car is that unpleasant and stagnant odors are eliminated completely. Unlike air fresheners and flavors, which only partially overlap the problems in the cabin climate.

However, not all users consider the ionizer in the car useful and attention to the device. There are rumors that ionizers do not really clean the air from dust, dirt and unpleasant fragrance, but only contribute to the inhalation by a person of harmful substances. And this is actually so. Studies were conducted indicating that defective ionizers in the car did not have an impact on dust particles properly because of which allergic substances were even in a larger volume with light man. There were two stable groups of opponents of ionizers and their supporters. However, this does not deny the fact that when using high-quality and expensive products, you can not be afraid for the wrong work. Most often, violations of the ions are found in Chinese counterfeit, and not in brand ionizers.

Favorite flavors in the car

The second category of funds that eliminate unpleasant odors belongs to air freshener. The car salon is constantly susceptible to the absorption of unnecessary microparticles of unfavorable smell. Many unpleasant that their car invariably absorbs third-party external flavors. But everyone wants to create his own unique climate and an atmosphere in a car. Therefore, it will always be relevant to the use of flavors for the interior machine. There are many types of fresheners for cars:

  • the most familiar fresheners from cardboard;
  • Liquid means that improve aroma;
  • fragrances of solid;
  • Freshener of gel;
  • homemade items that create a pleasant atmosphere and aroma;

The fragrant cards and all the familiar Christmas trees in the car have a very strong fragrance, which is still holding on only two weeks. The disadvantages of such a means to create a pleasant smell, except for a short term, is the unfortunate flavors. Liquid and heliums have more positive effects to improve the spirit in the cabin. Of course, the cost of them will be significantly different from the cardboard "Christmas trees" in the biggest side, but it is worth it. The validity of liquids and gel may be more than a year, and the naturalness of fragrances can please even the most picky criticism. However, it must be remembered that such fresheners should not be left in the cold, as they solidify and ruin very quickly. The solid means for aromatization are not the best ways to improve the smell in the car. The service life of them is about six months. In use, they are not very convenient, as the rectangular bar represents that are inconvenient to put somewhere in the cabin. Prices for solid fresheners are established as the highest among all listed means of aromatization.

The most pleasant and effective will be used to create a favorable climate in the cabin of their own prepared funds. So how to make a freshener of air into the car will not be a great work. This requires a small bag of natural fabric and coffee grain. A coffee bag is one of the best flavors in the interior of the car. Since coffee has a property to neutralize the unpleasant spirit from the car and at the same time leave fragrance of coffee for a long time. Such method uses hostesses to improve the atmosphere in the refrigerator.

Thus, both air fresheners for the car, and the ozonizers of the car's salon have their own positive negative sides. To obtain a stronger result of the refreshment of the auto cabin, it is better to use a joint ionizer and freshener. For easier effect, the use of an independently made bag with coffee is suitable.


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