Basket from IV rods. MK


You can also weave from the cantham, from birch branches, lycons, berers and so on.

The author gathers IV branches in the winter months of the year.

On a note: If you are going to weave from fresh twigs, do not forget that not all shoots are suitable for weaving. The branch must be bent in half and if it does not straighten, it will not return to its original position, it means that it is not suitable for weaving baskets. The basket of fresh cut twigs will dry for a very long time, a few weeks, while deformed and change in size. It is advisable to dry the branches before weaving. High dried twigs can also be flexible, for this they are soaked in water for a day.

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (76) (700x467, 339KB)

You will need to work for work and minimum tools: knife and garden scissors.

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (50) (650x434, 224Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (67) (650x434, 141kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (1) (650x434, 79Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (54) (650x434, 153Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (52) (650x434, 107Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (9) (650x434, 145Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (35) (650x434, 126Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (38) (650x434, 116Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (27) (650x434, 112Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (23) (650x434, 106Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (29) (650x434, 77Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (49) (650x434, 116kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (66) (650x434, 107Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (58) (650x434, 121kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (13) (650x434, 133Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (68) (466x700, 250KB)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (72) (650x434, 123Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (19) (650x434, 132Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (62) (650x434, 138Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (31) (650x434, 128Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (22) (467x700, 178Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (24) (467x700, 167Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (41) (650x434, 158kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (74) (650x434, 147Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (5) (467x700, 257Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (56) (650x434, 115Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (11) (650x434, 167Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (18) (650x434, 202Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (25) (650x434, 185Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (34) (650x434, 190Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (10) (467x700, 265Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (73) (650x434, 197Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (21) (650x434, 237Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (53) (467x700, 330Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (2) (467x700, 366Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (65) (650x434, 235Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (44) (650x434, 187Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (32) (650x434, 220Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (6) (650x434, 194kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (39) (650x434, 200kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (60) (650x434, 169Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (71) (467x700, 369Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master class (14) (650x434, 206kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (40) (650x434, 226Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (3) (650x434, 193Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (43) (467x700, 362Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master class (8) (650x434, 171kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (64) (650x434, 230Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (69) (650x434, 211Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (17) (650x434, 171kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (45) (650x434, 203Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (55) (650x433, 194Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (51) (650x434, 177Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (15) (650x434, 187Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (63) (650x434, 168Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (36) (650x434, 187Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (4) (500x333, 126Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (75) (650x434, 210kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (42) (467x700, 260Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (30) (650x434, 172Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (16) (467x700, 340Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (12) (467x700, 273Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (7) (467x700, 330Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (37) (467x700, 318Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (61) (467x700, 208Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (57) (467x700, 293Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (20) (467x700, 217Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (33) (467x700, 281kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (59) (650x434, 143Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (26) (467x700, 204Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (28) (650x434, 142Kb)

How to Estim the Basket from IV Brutes. Master Class (77) (467x700, 251kb)


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