Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva


The work of Maria Vasilyeva, known in Instagram under the nickname @ M.Embroidery_art, is the most real picturesque masterpieces in embroidery.

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Looking at the portraits and landscapes embroidered by Maria, the talent of Master begins to strive for a joke. How skillfully worked with the details in her works, suggests that the mastery of Mary united two strongest talent - the skillful embroiderers and a real artist.

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

The same Maria, really, by education, the artist.

But, after completing embroidery courses, she found her love in working with textiles. In addition to embroidery, the needlewoman is also engaged in a battle, beadwork, rolling, knitting, painting, painting and graphics.

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Mary inspires his works to create a wonderful and unique one.

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Today, Maria Vasilyeva's work is popular on the Internet, she has many subscribers on social networks, and some decorations created by it can be bought in online stores. However, the master herself emphasizes that it does not work to order, since embroidery for it is, first of all, creativity, not a commercial project.

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

Embroidery stitching: miniature masterpieces Mary Vasilyeva

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