Beauty from egg trays


Flowers from egg trays (3) (581x359, 121kb)

These are only men think that egg trays can be thrown or at best apply for soundproofing studio or balcony insulation) and we know exactly what eggs are laid out into these trays))) so that you and you have the opportunity to create from you Sound material here is such beauty. I adore this topic, a hundred times more than decoupage and so on, such types of needlework that require tremendous waste of cash, and searches for online stores of all sorts of crackers, adhesives with varnishes and putty) for many more you can get pleasure from In theory, the item should have been on the landfill for a long time, and in our case it is banging at the most honorable place in the interior) the same goes and weaving from newspapers, compare the stack of unnecessary prints with a beautiful braid on the table or in the corner of the room .. .. So, back to the egg trads, if you still throw them out, because you don't like flowers from them))), I want to remind you of dad Masha, which can be done exactly from the trays. Below you will see the ideas of creating eggs from egg trays, candlesticks, Christmas bells and you can view the video, it is true in Portuguese, but it seems everything is clear) and I also recommend to look into my heading on this topic, there are so many beauty ... that the campaign In the store for eggs, I just guarantee you)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (97) (633x700, 317Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (2) (700x466, 294Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (3) (700x525, 316kb)

So, we go to the store for egg trays or select them from my husbands who gathered to warm the balcony with such a precious material for us), and inspire the creativity. From personal experience I know that egg trays best paint spray-paints, it is cheaper, and troubles less) and men offer to visit the site "enviable windows", where they will be able to learn about glazing balconies of P 44 wooden frames or aluminum Provedal. The site belongs to the company that produces plastic and wooden windows, slopes, window sills, accessories, balcony visors, mosquito nets, and also provides services for installing windows, in glazing and insulation of apartments and balconies.

GRRTH (572x247, 322KB)

Flowers from egg trays (1) (559x700, 249Kb)

Flowers from egg trays (4) (650x430, 161kb)
Flowers from egg trays (5) (700x342, 138kb)

Flowers from egg trays (2) (700x336, 155kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (1) (500x378, 124kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (38) (327x400, 116kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (42) (640x480, 104Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (39) (640x240, 67Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (40) (640x240, 56kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (41) (640x240, 98kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (45) (700x512, 324Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (55) (384x512, 184Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (56) (580x435, 148Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (57) (580x438, 125Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (58) (600x255, 54Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (59) (384x512, 189Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (71) (450x600, 217Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (66) (522x700, 306kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (67) (517x700, 326kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (68) (517x700, 326Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (69) (515x700, 341Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (70) (700x525, 330Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (93) (700x643, 333Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (94) (700x199, 110kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (95) (700x643, 369Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (96) (700x154, 97kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (97) (633x700, 317Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (28) (400x281, 50kb)
Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (29) (400x299, 70Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (7) (640x480, 226kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (5) (400x241, 64kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (6) (500x375, 155Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (8) (375x500, 202Kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (14) (450x323, 88kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (20) (700x531, 256kb)

Beauty from cardboard - Flowers from egg trays (21) (700x531, 273Kb)

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