How to make Lizun - 7 recipes


The game with Lizun is entertainment that has liked many children. It is not difficult to make it at home, moreover, the materials will need quite a bit. You just need to know the slide recipe. All ways, how to make lysuuna, hereinafter.

How to make lysuan from sodium tetraborate (borsa) and glue

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

An interesting lysun is obtained from the sodium tetragorate, which is similar to the original on the original, which is sold in stores of children's goods.


For the manufacture of such a lysun, prepare:

  • Bor - 0, 5 h. spoons;
  • Glue transparent stationery - 30 g;
  • Food dyes of yellow and green color;
  • Water.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 1 . Take two any containers. A mixture for the preparation of lysuine will need to be prepared by two parts. In the first container, pour a cup of warm water and half a teaspoon of bours. Stir this solution thoroughly, until the powder is completely dissolved.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 2. . In the second tank mix half the cup of water, glue, 5 drops of yellow and 2 drops of green dye. Mix all the components thoroughly to a single consistency.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 3. . The solution with a bore gently pour into the second container. You will see how in front of the mixture will begin to turn into a tight mass. It can already play. This is lysun. Watch that the child does not take such a lysun in the mouth.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Lizun Be sure to store in a closed container.

How to make lizena of glue and starch

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes


For the manufacture of lysus, you will need:

  • liquid starch;
  • PVA glue;
  • small dense package;
  • food coloring.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Dye need to take food. If a small child will play with Lizun, prefer natural dyes. If you do not have dyes, you can add a gouache to the mixture.

Pay attention to the PVA glue so that Lizun is needed, glue, made recently. Glue should be white.

Step 1 . In the package, pour 70 ml of liquid starch. It differs from food and used when washing the linen. For the lack of such can be taken and the usual, but it is pre-diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio.

Step 2. . Add a few drops of dye into the package. Many dye is not needed to add, otherwise the lysun will paint hands during the game.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 3. . In the package, pour 25 ml of PVA glue, simply shake the bottle.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 4. . Close the package or tie it tightly. Mix the content thoroughly. It is necessary to do this until the bulk will turn into a clock. In addition to him, there will be a little liquid in the package.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 5. . Liquid need to merge. The clutch itself is lysun. Getting blocked with a napkin, removing an extra moisture from the surface. Now they can play.

If your lysun is sticking to the hands, remake it, adding less glue or increasing the starch content. If lysun, on the contrary, is too solid or scattered, it means that you have added starch more than you need.

Lizun prepared in this way will be suitable for games during the week. It is necessary to store it in a closed dish or a jar, so that dust does not fall on it.

Do not forget to wash your hands after the game and do not allow him to taste lysun.

How to make lysuan from soda

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Lizun from soda due to content in the composition of dishwashing liquid, it is recommended to give children under adult supervision. After the game with such a lysome, hands must be washed.


  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • water;
  • Dyes at will.

Step 1 . In the container, pour the dishwashing fluid. There is no specific dosage, gradually mixing and other components, you can simply pour a liquid for dishes or water to skip the mucus.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 2. . Pour into the container soda, mix everything thoroughly. Your mixture should look something like in the photo. For lysun, such a mixture is densely, and therefore dilute it with water and mix everything again.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

The final color of Lizuun will be like in the photo. You can change it a bit by adding a few drops of the dye.

Lisun from soda is ready.

How to make lysuan from shampoo

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

This is a very simple way to make lysun, it turns out the desired consistency, but it is necessary to store it in the breaks between the games in the refrigerator. This lysun, like many others in no case cannot be taken in the mouth, and the hands after the Games need to be thoroughly wash.


For the manufacture of lysun, prepare:

  • shampoo;
  • Dishwashing liquid or shower gel.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 1 . Take the container and mix the shampoo and liquid for dishes or a shower gel in equal proportions. Please note the gel and liquid should not contain any granules, and if you want Lizun to remain transparent, the same quality should be the components.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 2. . Mix the components thoroughly and send them to the refrigerator tank. The next day you can use lysun for games. In the future, store it in the refrigerator in a closed container. When a lot of garbage sticks to Lizuun, you can throw it out, he will start losing his properties.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

The maximum shelf life of such a lysun is 1 month.

Lisun from washing powder

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

For the manufacture of this lysuine, it will be necessary not the usual dry washing powder, but its liquid analog. It is necessary to use a powder that needs a liquid soap, gel, etc., have a completely different consistency and in the layout with the elements of this recipe to make a lysun from them.


So, before starting work, prepare:

  • liquid washing powder;
  • PVA glue;
  • food coloring;
  • Thin rubber gloves;
  • container.

Step 1 . In an empty container, pour the glue quarter cup of glass of PVA. You can take it more or less, it all depends on the desired size of lysuine.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 2. . Add a few drops of food dye into the glue, mix this solution thoroughly to a homogeneous shade.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 3. . Pour into a solution 2 tablespoons of liquid powder. Mix the whole solution thoroughly. Gradually, it will become sticky, and the consistency will resemble a putty. If you have a solution, it turned out unnecessarily thick, add liquid powder into it, diluting the solution.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 4. . Put gloves, get the mixture from the tank and carefully, as if the dough, start kneading the workpiece. From this solution there should be extra drops of powder, if any, he himself will remind a soft gum by consistency.

Store lysun is necessary in a closed container. If he starts to lose his properties, send it a few hours in the refrigerator.

How to make lysuan from flour

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

The relatively safe Lizun is made of flour. Such can play even small children, especially if instead of food dyes use natural. With natural dyes, the color of Lizuun will not be so intense.


For the manufacture of lysun, prepare:

  • flour;
  • hot water;
  • cold water;
  • dyes;
  • apron.

Step 1 . Pour two cups of flour into the container. Skip it through the sieve so that the mass is homogeneous and easier to prepare.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 2. . In a bowl with flour, pour a quarter cup of cold water.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 3. . Follow the quarter cup of hot water, but not boiling.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 4. . Mix thoroughly all the mixture. Be sure to follow the consistency to be homogeneous, without lumps. It is very important.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 5. . Add a few drops of food or natural dye. If the dye is food, add a couple of drops. Mix the whole mixture again thoroughly. It should be sticky.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 6. . Send a container with lysome to the fridge for several hours. After cooling the mixture, it can be used for its intended purpose.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

How to make magnetic lysun

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

The original magnetic lysun, which can also glow in the dark, can also be made at home.


  • Bora;
  • water;
  • glue;
  • iron oxide;
  • Neodymium magnets.

Step 1 . In the tank mix one glass of water and half a teaspoon of the bours. Thoroughly mix all the boron completely dissolved in water. This mixture will be needed to activate the second half of the composition.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 2. . In the second capacity, mix half the glass of water and 30 grams of glue. Mix them thoroughly and add paint. Here can add phosphoric paint if you want the lysun to shine in the dark.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 3. . The bords are neatly pouring into the adhesive mixture. It is necessary to add a solution gradually, constantly stirring the mixture of glue. As soon as the mixture begins to harden and reaches the desired consistency, stop adding the bords. Remains can pour it out.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Step 4. . Take the ready-made lysun and crumple it on a flat surface. At the middle of the lysun, put a little iron oxide. Lisun carefully slow down until it acquires a homogeneous gray color.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

Magnetic lysun is ready. When interacting with the magnet, Lizun will reach it.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

If the lysun does not work

It often happens that Lizun does not work. It depends on the quality of the source material, and therefore not all proportions specified in these recipes can be correct. In this case, you need to experiment with the consistency.

The correct lysun must be taken from the container with a single mass. In places it can be inhomogeneous, but two minutes of active kneading, it becomes drumming, in moderation sticky and uniform.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

If the lysun is too lipnet - it will be noticeably on the threads stretching behind the spoon. When touching the fingers, the mixture is too sticking to the fingers and is easily lagging behind. In this case, you need a mixture to lose a little, for example, adding liquid starch or just water. It all depends on the recipe you chosen.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes

If the lysun stretches, but it does not stick to the hands, but slides with them, it means a lot of liquids. In this case, the excess solution of powder, starch or water should be merged, it is possible to add some glue, the solution of the bonds, flour, or other binding material. And again to wash the mixture well.

How to make Lizun - 7 recipes


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