Pigeon from plastic bottles. MK


Royal pigeon from plastic bottles. Master class from Oksana Abramova

Workshop Craft Product Modeling Design Pigeon Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swam Photo 1
Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 2

(As a basis, the idea of ​​making birds from plastic bottles of Alena Zinovyeva)

Wizard Craft Craft Product Modeling Design Pigeon Royal Peac Line from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 3

For manufacture, we need:

1) Plastic bottle (from under detergent),

2) Metal-plastic pipe, 12mm diameter., Long 54cm.,

3) Dairy bottles, 24pcs.

4) two 1.5l. transparent bottles

5) Wire,

6) a small piece of foam,

7) self-tapping screws (with a small hat no more than 1.5 cm long), screwdriver, stationery, sandpaper №1 and №0, Shilo,

8) adhesive gun and transparent glue "moment".

9) twine.

Workshop Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 4
Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Pigeon Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 5

We form a framework:

1) Water out the shape of the legs from the metalplastic pipe so that the middle part is smoothly layered inside the bottle, and the legs to the bottom, slightly bent forward.

2) cutting holes where our alleged legs will insert, at risk, which is stacked by 1/3 of the edge.

We insert the legs and secure on the self-tapping screw.

From the top of 1,5l. A transparent bottle form a neck: we cut a slightly less than half of the bottle, cut it and fold it with a cone, fasten with wire. If the cone, you will seem narrowly from behind, expand it by inserting a small triangular piece.

For the manufacture of "Lenaeks", cut out the middle part of the bottle, cutting it in half. From the rectangles received rectangles.

Workshop Craft Items Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Tube Foam Wire Swam Photo 6
Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Spigat Photo 7

The resulting neck and "filling" attach to the canister on the self-tapping screw. The form is ready.

Workshop Craft Product Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swam Photo 8
Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 9

For the manufacture of feathers, cut the dairy bottles on 5 parts. Each part is cut into small features, as shown in the photo.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 10
Workshop Craft Product Product Modeling Design Pigeon Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Spigat Photo 11

We start closing "pins". To do this, chop 6 upper parts.

We glue on the adhesive gun, first inside, and then outside.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 12
Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 13

For convenience, disconnect the "pillar" from the canister and continue to close with small flippers with wire.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Spigat Photo 14
Workshop Craft Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 15

In the process of work, I realized that it was necessary to push the back of the canister for 1 cm. Cut it off, as shown in the photo and secured with self-draws. You can do it at the very beginning when you start assembling the form. With the help of self-tapping, we begin to close the back of our form.

Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swamp Photo 16

The next step, begin to close the beech canisters from the bottom to the feathers, as if left under the fluffy part of the "Flashing".

Attach the "pins" in place.

Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Spigat Photo 17

We continue to close the sides of the canister with small feathers with self-tapping screws.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Cut Foam Foam Wire Twine Picture 18
Workshop Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 19

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Spigat Photo 20

We remove the neck and start covering it with feathers with wire, roughly below the middle.

Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Spigat Photo 21
Craft Craft Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swamp Photo 22

Connect ready-made parts with each other.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Pigeon Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 23

We cut the upper part of the bottle in half, then finely cut a large part, and so far we postpone, it will come in handy for us a little later.

Workshop Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Cut Foam Foam Wire Spigat Photo 24

With the help of adhesive guns, we begin to glue our plumage in a circle. We stop without reaching the upper part of about 2.5-3cm.

Craft Craft Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 25
Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 26

It's time to put our bird on your feet! For the production of feet, we need a wire that is well bended, medium thickness. 1) We insert the wire between the metalplastic pipe and the converter, 2) without reaching the edge, approximately 0.3-0.4 mm. We enhance metalplastic pipe with wire. Bend the wire, gradually forming the fingers of the feet.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 27

I smear each finger with glue and wind the twine twice (back there). Our feet are ready.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swamp Photo 28
Craft Craft Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Spigat Photo 29

We wear ready-made feet and be surely wrapped with glue for strength (so that they do not move). Here we are already standing yourself!

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Pigeon Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Spigat Photo 30

We cut off the strip from the corrugated tube about 1 cm, glit to the metal-plastic pipe to close the wire.

Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Spigat Photo 31

From the remaining upper parts (which we cut off when they closed the neck), we cut small feathers.

Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 32

We glue them with an adhesive gun to a metal-plastic pipe from the inner and outer side.

Craft Classroom Product Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 33

The place of the junction (in front) is closed in the same way as behind, with a small strip of corrugated tube.

We got gorgeous legs!

Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Pigeon Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Spigat Photo 35

From a small piece of grid-slave (cell 25 * 25) prepare the shape for fastening the tail.

Master Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swamp Photo 36

From the upper parts of the bottle, cut feathers.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swam Photo 37

With the help of a wire, start mounting the thumbs up to the grid.

Craft Class Items Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 38

I turn over and attach the following row (turn over the grid in order to make it easier to fix the wire).

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 39

I turn over and attach the next row feathers.

Craft Craft Product Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 40

We turn over again and begin to close the visible place of fastening of feathers with small rugs (close visible wire). The last row falls below the edge of the chain grid by about 1.5 cm, in order

To attach them using self-tapping screws to the back of the canister.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Spigat Photo 41

Gently fit under the top row of feathers and screw with self-tapping screws.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swam Photo 42
Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Pigeon Royal Peaculino Bottles Plastic Bottles Plastic Bottles Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 43

Be sure to fix our tail with self-assembly (we grab feathers for the edges). The top of the bottle is cut into 3 parts and with the help of self-tapping screws (screw to the canister) close the last row of feathers at the tail.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 44
Wizard Craft Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 45

Getting to work with wings.

We measure the canister and draw the scheme of wings (it is possible that the dimensions of your canister will not coincide with mine, so you can measure it yourself and draw a similar scheme). We carry it for 1.5 liters. Plastic bottle with a marker, cut out. Just in case, try on the paper first and make sure it coincides with the shape and goes well.

Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 46

From the top of the bottle, we cut long, flying feathers for wings.

Master Class Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peaculino Bottles of Plastic Bottles Plastic Bottles Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 47

We start laying out the drawing of the wing. Breeping with wire.

Craft Class Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Foam Wire Swam Photo 48
Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Foam Wire Swam Photo 49
Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 50

Finished wings are attached to the canister using self-tapping screws (at least 3-4 cm long) on ​​the sides, carefully subject to auxilion so that the fastening is not noticeable.

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swamp Photo 51

We proceed to cut out the shape of the head. For this, we need a piece of foam of 7 cm * 10 cm.

Craft Classroom Product Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 52

With the help of a stationery knife neatly cut off the foam, giving it the shape of the head. Be sure to face the head with putty (I use an acrylic putty). We dry well, blame to smoothness and coated with PVA glue. He will give us an excellent adhesion of glue with plastic feathers.

Workshop Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cast Foam Wire Swam Photo 53

With the help of self-tapping screws, we attach the finished head to the neck. Do not hurry!

First select the position of the head for your bird!

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Pigeon Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 54
Craft Class Items Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 55

Get the eyes (I buy eyes for dolls in fabric stores). With the help of twine (with which we closed the fingers of the legs) and glue guns, stick the eyelids around the eyes. Continue

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Cut Foam Foam Wire Swamp Photo 56
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Workshop Craft Craft Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low From Plastic Bottles Bottle Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swamp Photo 59

That's ready for my royal dove! TRANSIME (acrylic paint) is kerpping him and give me to paint!

Workshop Crafts Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peaculino Bottles from Plastic Bottles Plastic Bottles Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 60
Workshop Craft Product Product Modeling Design Dove Royal Peac Low from Plastic Bottles Bottles Plastic Material Challenge Foam Wire Swam Photo 61

Source http://stranamasterov.ru/node/634663?tid=451

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