Unusual ornament for the garden


Look at this original kashpo for colors with a lot of advantages. Made from cement, it does not look at all cumbersome, rather, even on the contrary. And that is not all! Due to the peculiarities of the assembly of the roots of the plants planted inside will be able to breathe. Another plus is the absence of any additional consumables.

Unusual ornament for the garden

We place on the working surface a frame of 4 rivers fixed from the sides of bricks. If necessary, lubricate the bottom with a small amount of oil. Fill the space inside the frame with a thick cement mortar and evenly stretch it on the surface. Approximate layer height - 2 cm.

We give a solution to frozen, but not completely, and then carefully remove the plank.

Unusual ornament for the garden

With the help of a pipe with a suitable diameter or a syringe from silicone, we cut concrete circles from silicone, which will become the main material for creating caspo.

Unusual ornament for the garden

We select the appropriate size, turn up the bottom and abundantly lubricate with vegetable oil. This is necessary so that a concrete pot after drying is drying out without problems disconnected from the form. Then they simply put cement medallions in a circle, placing them as close as possible to each other.

The laying of each subsequent row is made with a hollow shift to get an interesting drawing. If necessary, the last detail of the row is cut. Double-sided trimming will make the place of the junction less noticeable.

Unusual ornament for the garden

As the ranks are styled, we wrap the mugs with a wet tassel. For better clutch to water, you can add a little cement and make a liquid bolt. In the last row we leave the technical hole

Unusual ornament for the garden

Having mastered the technique, you can make pots for colors and porridge of any size.

Unusual ornament for the garden

The essence of the work remains the same. Weathered in the uniform pots will make an excellent composition. In our case, there will be 3. It is important at the end of the work to give kashpo to dry well. Approximately for this will need about a day.

Unusual ornament for the garden

The next detail will be a cement circle. It is possible to designate it both with the help of a homemade circulation, and using the lid, a dish or a bucket of a suitable diameter.

Unusual ornament for the garden

Another important detail is a leg for a stand. To make it, we use as a form for fill suitable in the form and size of old salad bowls.

Unusual ornament for the garden

After the pots are completely dried, turn them over and gently pull them out.

Unusual ornament for the garden

Component stands. If necessary, additionally cleaned the circles. Floor joints with a circle with a circle additionally strengthened cement.

Unusual ornament for the garden

Then it remains only to install pots on the stand and land like the plants in them. If you wish in this technique, you can make caspo of different shapes.

Unusual ornament for the garden

More details regarding the creation of original cement kashpo, in the video below:

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